... This is to piss off the guy that was sick of Siete pics 😎 ML
1,045 likestopshotdustin Verified Think I found my new hunting rifle 😍 1 like
snakebite.actual Post away
tsuhobbs Just send me one so I can quite looking at it on IG and save you time posting on IG. It's a win win. 1 like
wolfsprairieoutdoors Such a work of art 🔥
justn84 🎰
betzfromtheinside I cannot understand how someone could get tired of Siete pics? 1 like
rjakober That is beautiful!
je_sc 👏
oldmanrunningslow 🤤
brent.hibbert Sweeeeeet :-)
threepereaper68 😂
thomcombes That is beautiful!
mb_338winmag3 😂😂👏👏👏👏👏
higher_imagez_official Whoa 👍
redoak.sooner Lookin' snazzy! 😍
phil.thompson.140 Sexy!
patrick.leedy 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
stumpwso You know....if you added a stock, a barrel and maybe a hand guard you might be onto something. 2 likes
goose_the_wandering_willys You rule Marty
esqphoto Hey now, I just 3lbs of Varget in anticipation of the Siete's arrival.
jojosoninsta MOAR
jrexk9 🔥🔥👏🔥🔥
ajohnsonsthoughts Can those be purchased as stripped models
  -  extremelongranger @ajohnsonsthoughts no
texasgunnews Who the hell would get sick of these!?!? 1 like
icecoldmn Looking good,can't wait for mine to show up.
kos_mod_ ..... Can I buy it?
connelldad Ooooh, Purdy!
pewpewvette What's a Siete
  -  extremelongranger @pewpewvette It's right in between seis and ocho.
458lottfan Don't stop, he is just jealous... 🔥
mlarue2004 Pretty Sure that one is mine! I think my name is on it! 😂
not_taking_this_very_seriously Now do 338 lapua 😏
icecoldmn Sick of siete pics? I often just look at the framed one on my wall to see how it all fits together
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... That could be a head scratcher 😎
yadiemugo I thought tooling marks and garbage anodizing was all the rage nowadays!! That looks too clean! Sure that's not a 3d render? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @yadiemugo ... You wish a 3D render looked a 1/4th that good 4 likes
  -  yadiemugo @laruetactical 3d rendering is part of my profession. And you are correct, that looks super clean. 1 like
  -  brent.hibbert @laruetactical Hahahaha
vine_matt Don't like it go somewhere else!
hillviewfarmpollok Any chance you will do a lefty? That 10 percent of us out here would greatly appreciate it.
  -  laruetactical @hillviewfarmpollok ... Yep, and I've looked into it and think if we put our pants on backwards, we can hit the start button and get left-hand models.😎
shanecassiday Beautiful is an understatement. Its amazing how its built of several pieces to allow for a ton of bolt-on adaptability in the future. But looks damn near like a one piece billet chassis at the same time. Cant wait for mine to get here! Mark, my only request (other than arca option your already teasing) lets see some more caliber offerings. 7 mm SAUM or 300 wsm would pull some cash out of my pocket....
pylot2b Tell him it's an 80%!
polar.bear.actual If Siete pics piss you off maybe you should follow the Kardashians. More Siete please!
furgesonjoey Sex!
lilrieck Screw that nerd!!! keep'em coming 1 like
hamsrob That's hotter than a preachers dick at a Fourth of July hookers parade