... In case you haven't heard ... ML
6,489 likesbrock468 As a Washington resident I 100% agree with you 273 likes
  -  gospencer1 @brock468 I second this as a WA resident! 11 likes
  -  bob_ricigliano @brock468 what is illegal about it for a regular person to own? 2 likes
  -  wiley.mark @bob_ricigliano Google WA AWB 5 likes
  -  _old_narnian @brock468 absolutely. Lifetime Washington resident and this policy is the way. 2 likes
  -  brock468 @bob_ricigliano the communist republic outlawed all sale of semi auto and mags over 10 rounds in the state 1 like
  -  cowboy_crafton @bob_ricigliano check hb1240 in Washington 1 like
  -  north_westerner_sender @bob_ricigliano wa state just banned all AR sales. Parts or otherwise. 1 like
shoot2r_arron As LE, I support this. 224 likes
  -  boiler91 @shoot2r_arron same here! 9 likes
  -  800mzero @shoot2r_arron Thank you! 3 likes
  -  jdinn0923 @shoot2r_arron ditto 1 like
  -  shda5582 @shoot2r_arron you should resign. How many bad cops have you arrested and turned in? 21 likes
  -  devonparodi @shda5582 no u 6 likes
  -  nights_actual @devonparodi 😂 1 like
  -  jamesx7 @shda5582 why haven't you joined so you can bring in bad cops then. 5 likes
  -  shda5582 @jamesx7 because I don't want to suck the states dick and violate the rights of citizens 17 likes
  -  knoreid @shoot2r_arron same 1 like
  -  shoot2r_arron @koop_2.0 wow so spooki, keep up the good fight 👍
  -  _dezert_ratt @shoot2r_arron 😂
  -  jamesx7 @shda5582 you can't call out other Leo if you wouldn't step up yourself.
  -  shda5582 @jamesx7 sure I can. They're in a position to do something about it, especially when they feign sympathy or understanding, and yet do nothing about it. You better believe I'm calling it out.
  -  boiler91 @shoot2r_arron same here! 9 likes
  -  800mzero @shoot2r_arron Thank you! 3 likes
  -  jdinn0923 @shoot2r_arron ditto 1 like
  -  shda5582 @shoot2r_arron you should resign. How many bad cops have you arrested and turned in? 21 likes
  -  devonparodi @shda5582 no u 6 likes
  -  nights_actual @devonparodi 😂 1 like
  -  jamesx7 @shda5582 why haven't you joined so you can bring in bad cops then. 5 likes
  -  shda5582 @jamesx7 because I don't want to suck the states dick and violate the rights of citizens 17 likes
  -  knoreid @shoot2r_arron same 1 like
  -  shoot2r_arron @koop_2.0 wow so spooki, keep up the good fight 👍
  -  _dezert_ratt @shoot2r_arron 😂
  -  jamesx7 @shda5582 you can't call out other Leo if you wouldn't step up yourself.
  -  shda5582 @jamesx7 sure I can. They're in a position to do something about it, especially when they feign sympathy or understanding, and yet do nothing about it. You better believe I'm calling it out.
willthathrill1 Why does LE need a suppressor? 27 likes
  -  cspielman1023 @willthathrill1 it makes a difference inside a building. I serve as an SRO and we have issued suppressors. Anyone who has experienced gunfire inside a closed environment will attest to that 😎 11 likes
  -  chazoahu @cspielman1023 in the state of Hawaii it's mostly just for Instagram posts & other types of posing for pictures. 7 likes
  -  james_krass @cspielman1023 So they should be available to anyone that might be shooting in a building,correct? 27 likes
  -  mysonsareguns @willthathrill1 to protect the hearing of their employees, bystanders and crime victims. 7 likes
  -  desertyaadie @willthathrill1 well a cop out on patrol isn't actively wearing ear protection, so if they needed to use a rifle in the field, wouldn't it help if it was suppressed to prevent hearing loss? 1 like
  -  see_4t_7 @willthathrill1 getting your hair did without a appointment isnt appealing 😂
  -  edwardteach_gunz @willthathrill1 Less muzzle flash coming out of their muzzle and good sound reduction while they are destroying peoples lives over a 1/2 oz of weed 8 likes
  -  lrm8811 @cspielman1023 I think the point being made is that they are routinely made out to be dangerous and only useful for criminal acts by the antigun crowd whenever there is a push to remove them from the NFA. They claim they make them Hollywood quiet but we all know that isn't true unless you sacrifice some performance. 8 likes
  -  1911_edc @willthathrill1 because their hearing is more important than yours 2 likes
  -  walker__txranger @desertyaadie suppressed 556 still isn't hearing safe. Why do you need signature reduction?
  -  desertyaadie @walker__txranger have you ever heard the difference between a suppressed and un-suppressed 556 round? Yes it's still not hearing safe but it makes a huge difference especially when the barrel is under 16 inches, not to mention when firing 556 indoors. 1 like
  -  pew.panda @willthathrill1 same reason everyone needs one pal. To try and save your hearing. 3 likes
  -  frak357 @willthathrill1 Everyone should have a suppressor for personal and environmental noise protection. 😏 1 like
  -  _max_wichmann_ @james_krass they should be available to anyone, full stop
  -  cspielman1023 @willthathrill1 it makes a difference inside a building. I serve as an SRO and we have issued suppressors. Anyone who has experienced gunfire inside a closed environment will attest to that 😎 11 likes
  -  chazoahu @cspielman1023 in the state of Hawaii it's mostly just for Instagram posts & other types of posing for pictures. 7 likes
  -  james_krass @cspielman1023 So they should be available to anyone that might be shooting in a building,correct? 27 likes
  -  mysonsareguns @willthathrill1 to protect the hearing of their employees, bystanders and crime victims. 7 likes
  -  desertyaadie @willthathrill1 well a cop out on patrol isn't actively wearing ear protection, so if they needed to use a rifle in the field, wouldn't it help if it was suppressed to prevent hearing loss? 1 like
  -  see_4t_7 @willthathrill1 getting your hair did without a appointment isnt appealing 😂
  -  edwardteach_gunz @willthathrill1 Less muzzle flash coming out of their muzzle and good sound reduction while they are destroying peoples lives over a 1/2 oz of weed 8 likes
  -  lrm8811 @cspielman1023 I think the point being made is that they are routinely made out to be dangerous and only useful for criminal acts by the antigun crowd whenever there is a push to remove them from the NFA. They claim they make them Hollywood quiet but we all know that isn't true unless you sacrifice some performance. 8 likes
  -  1911_edc @willthathrill1 because their hearing is more important than yours 2 likes
  -  walker__txranger @desertyaadie suppressed 556 still isn't hearing safe. Why do you need signature reduction?
  -  desertyaadie @walker__txranger have you ever heard the difference between a suppressed and un-suppressed 556 round? Yes it's still not hearing safe but it makes a huge difference especially when the barrel is under 16 inches, not to mention when firing 556 indoors. 1 like
  -  pew.panda @willthathrill1 same reason everyone needs one pal. To try and save your hearing. 3 likes
  -  frak357 @willthathrill1 Everyone should have a suppressor for personal and environmental noise protection. 😏 1 like
  -  _max_wichmann_ @james_krass they should be available to anyone, full stop
chad_lamborghini This is great, I knew Mr. LaRue had this policy for a long time. Now tell the rest of the manufacturers to get onboard with this idea and maybe we can turn the tide. 186 likes
shopping.cart.authoritarian I already liked you for shitting on Bill Geissele, but way to take it to the next level. 62 likes
  -  jttheo25 @shopping.cart.authoritarian what did Bill do
  -  mocha_micah @jttheo25 also curious
  -  daltonlingl @shopping.cart.authoritarian commenting bc also curious (other than bendy boi fiasco?)
atlasbladeco About to start buying Larue. Gained a lot of respect right here 12 likes
  -  chasin_pedos_to_the_gallows @atlasbladeco doesn't hurt its some of the highest quality components your our money can buy. Period. Rock on man ✌
green.light.go_ nice. I wonder what their response was lol 37 likes
  -  desertyaadie @green.light.go_ they probably just went to the next company in line and got what they wanted lol 10 likes
  -  jeffyoung357 @desertyaadie No, they wanted @laruetactical
  -  desertyaadie @jeffyoung357 lol GOVT goes based on the cheapest price, so if Larry didn't want to sell them, they just went to the next best cheapest option.
  -  pnwdvr23 @desertyaadie this wasn't a government purchase. This was an individual officer wanting to buy a rifle from larue. But "through" his department. That's how many officers buy personal rifles in states where normal citizens cant. 3 likes
  -  desertyaadie @pnwdvr23 it literally says in the text, the purchase would be for department use....
jjc155 As a retired cop, i totally approve of this. 22 likes
  -  _dezert_ratt @jjc155 Would that tune change if you were on the job?
  -  jjc155 @_dezert_ratt 30 years was enough and that was my "tune" while on the job so.....no.
  -  _dezert_ratt @jjc155 Riiiiiiight. . . . 1 like
gunner_gnome_2.0 As LE, i support this message 🙌🙌 5 likes
  -  _dezert_ratt @gunner_gnome_2.0 😂
chad.noel Atleast someone is sticking up to there promises. As a yet another Washington resident I hope this gets overthrown and we can purchase these items again.
  -  trevor_stergion @chad.noel we just need to overthrow dumbest @jayinslee and @bobferguson4wa violently
dickys_daily_dickery Based 104 likes
  -  unix_eco @dickys_daily_dickery Based 1 like
theunexpectedtactics u s ... always sucks when you're not in a free state but in the long run it'll be for the best. 28 likes
  -  t_for_texas1836 @theunexpectedtactics may I ask what you mean by that? 2 likes
  -  green.light.go_ @theunexpectedtactics idk man. that sounds like something a tyrant would say 👀 2 likes
  -  theunexpectedtactics @t_for_texas1836 ha! I can see how that could be taken not how I meant it.... I can't buy something I want so I drive change (move to free state or find a solution in govt- trex is doing great things for TN). I've been on a "normalize suppressors" kick for the last few years in my area 4 likes
tailormadetargets I became a customer when I bought their uppers, I became a fan for life when i found their social media 😂🧡👏 20 likes
sudo_actual W 14 likes
armorerinchief This is NOT the type of unhinged Mark Larue post I have come to know and love. 1 like
degeneratesdrinkingcoffee_ Based 3 likes
thearclight 🤙 4 likes
field_contact This, this is the way! 1 like
third_coast_thermal Love it 3 likes
topshotdustin 👏👏👏 28 likes
eyes.on.breen Principles are priceless 85 likes
  -  _benjamin_thomas @eyes.on.breen I'm gonna remember that one
bob_ricigliano Well said, what part is illegal in WA though?
  -  the.joe.patrick @bob_ricigliano practically the whole thing now.
  -  bob_ricigliano They make certain things on it illegal? I'm genuinely curious
heathen.actual @aeroprecision should adopt this policy. 11 likes
  -  sv702556 @heathen.actual all firearm companies, and stop selling to any agency of the federal government period 1 like
jamorrow45 Also LE and I also support this! 12 likes
jc_guinn_ Based 1 like
gconnoyer Awesome to see. Unlike @danieldefense 10 likes
jmason59 We should make this law 14 likes
jared_lamb90 Omfg 😍 2 likes
fix_it_or_bust HELL YES! 20 likes
rtwestra Thank you, curious of their response 2 likes
drknockers58 Absolutely BASED AF 14 likes
whatthekelsieheck 💯 4 likes
badkarma187 Got em 1 like
ahaley1775 Absolutely no reason they should be exempt from what all others are. 94 likes
lhl_camm All companies should have this policy 👏 32 likes
kurt.dyer.967 Not all heros wear capes...unless you do wear a cape...do you wear a cape? You should @laruetactical. 7 likes
hughes_waterfowl_systems That's the way to deal with Tyrants. 12 likes
drewster_001_ I'm from Washington and I support this. 1 like
hanyol0 My state is asssss and somehow will be worse if Bob Ferguson wins the next election (which he will) 1 like
  -  trevor_stergion @hanyol0 that's why both @jayinslee and @bobferguson4wa need to be forever sleeped I dream about it everyday 1 like
5_shot_leather_llc Thank you! Of course some other manufacturer will gladly sell to LEOs in this commie state. 7 likes
  -  the.joe.patrick @5_shot_leather_llc like Norinco 😂😂😂
ajblaster556 👏👏👏 1 like
hound_1.1 Putting LE in their place. Love it. 1 like
adv_skarr Based 1 like
svxr8dr This Washingtonian applauds you!!!! 8 likes
uppersnpuppers The man was shocked 3 likes
bravoraider03 This is why I love Larue. 4 likes
joebidenabitch 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯u s u s u s u s u s u s u s u s u s u s u s u s u s u s u s u s u s REPEAL THE NFA AND THE ATF! 1 like
mark_eighteen__ Fuck yeah!!! 1 like
ethanm1346 Fuck me to tears, now I have to buy a LaRue 1 like
kimxmartin Base 1 like
leeengland Awesome!!! A resounding "NO" to tyranny. 1 like
tomknowles7 Stuff makes me proud to own a LaRue u s 1 like
tom_cat87 u s 1 like
jgrues Vote with your feet! 1 like
eldiablo.laverga 👏👏👏 1 like
cantrellwhite Based. 1 like
justin_time_4_drinks 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 1 like
t_for_texas1836 Respect 1 like
dawson_katz 🙌 1 like
totally_twisted1 👏👏👏 1 like
bigboi328 SAVAGE 1 like
austinhodge13 Based 1 like
recon1212 👏👏🙌🙌 1 like
lvfreordie Good job, Mark. 1 like
james_siler 👍👍 1 like
furorem419 Nice one 1 like
not_tyler_the_defiler 🧡 1 like
agcknifeandtool 👏 1 like
garretfay Hahah very nice!!! 1 like
wfodave Love it. 1 like
don_ben_tot 👏🔥 1 like
j_perry69 👏👏👏 1 like
the_dude12344 👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥😂 1 like
squier_jerry 🧡🧡🧡🧡 1 like
joush_barres 👏 1 like
itsbillking 👍 1 like
chachimcflex 👑👑👑 1 like
sketchy_vette25 👏👏👏 1 like
itsfx 💪 2 likes
josh___costa 🔥🔥🔥 2 likes
buddyharvel17 Good 2 likes
mussell_industries This is absolutely the correct way to handle this. 3 likes
rorschach_tactical 👏👏👏 5 likes
adamethridge It's a fair policy 11 likes
nurse_holliday Gotum. 1 like
  -  jon_conley @nurse_holliday 🤗🧡 1 like
j_raiderr's profile picture Time to just start smuggling them.
eschaton.actual Respect
jojosoninsta This is a GREAT policy.
westchester_firearms_safety Hardcore
mike_czyk Mark out here doing the Lord's work.
crewsthunder Good!
vrspuds509 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
mayorofriverbluffrd Well done sir!
watzamatta24 *heart*
thelordspatriot17 👏👏👏👏👏
corywilliamsmith u s
minigun7.62 Hell, yeah! Lead by example.
wendigosyndicate Based af
blck10th Respect👏
david_la_a Hell yeah
bookerbass Based
a2daron_p 🔥🔥🙌
doubleapunchkick God bless you sir
coatofarmsguncoatings Bravo sir! 👏👏👏
elmscott 🙌🙌🙌🙌
grouse_brit @laruetactical fantastic policy
jmguill22 👏👏👏👏👏👏
kertmckeone 👏👏👏
spam4u26 Love it.
spoonmann8 One of countless reasons I'll always treasure and endorse my Larue products! u s
lost_soul12151791 I've been a fan of yours for a while now but you just reached a new level for me🤙 I like it🍺
ssanden Thank you!!!!
optimusvader 👏👏👏
ryanbonzen 😂
goldentigerworkz 👏
scotchmenian Love it
timmy_tomahawk One of the best policies ever.
oldscratch68 Respect Sir
cross.i78 👏👏👏
800mzero Thank you Mark....Thank you.
cameronshadron That's a fantastic policy. I wish all manufacturers would abide by this rule.
ninepx3 Well done
henryjreynolds As retired LEO I approve this message. 🧡
beaverheavyactual 😂
desert_hox While I don't blame the police, the politicians can go rot.
piehler90m 🔥
tito_reyes 👏
cowbell_outdoors Solid policy
heff104 You just secured a Siete order on principle alone.
t_jam18 @laruetactical top tier manufacturer
rick__haha Retired LE. I approve. Thanks Mark.
bryce_biediger Goated
iratus_omni_tempore As it should be. 👍
estephano_raro Yes!!!!
toddhogue I am 5 miles behind enemy lines just west of Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. I applaud you sir
chato956 🔥🔥🔥
b1ll_bill @fnh_usa take notice.
bornfree_74 🧡🔥🙌
n192l Rah.
_benjamin_thomas mic drop
renegadearms7 Amazing, how to get them to change their policies refuse to sell them what they want 👍.
bestimage1st 👏
kerthud__52 Amen!!!!! This is the type of energy all of our firearms manufacturers should have.
tux5.56 Damn Mark, you get 'em!
rshackleford1984 Unfathomably based. No special privileges for LEO
sunsetsandsuppressors Great stance!
anton.edvard Small battles like these really do mean something. Good read. 🙌
korobob 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥
mistabrazil Thank you. I know I've been critical in the past and I was wrong.
mr.niceknife 👏👏👏
j_merdich 🧡👏
texasgunnews Marks tongue has stayed far from the reach of boots, LaRue kneels to nothing!🔥
bikeguyalex One of my favorite things about @laruetactical. u s
kylemcgraw_____ This 👍
jakeww85 Hell yeah!
davidkkerrsr Love you guys
chagucci 🙌
brassbeard1776 👏
nofaded1234 Awesome u M
michaelcatterlin Based
mntman6969 Love you for that
jaymastiff 👏👏👏
jhorton216 What if any was this gentleman's response?
lucashugi HELL YEAH
apparent_quality I'm so happy to see this !!! If everyone else would get on board it would cause a major shift !!!
tonymatthiesen Based af
mikenotgonnahappen Very nice!
jtgiangola 👏👏👏
ileagle Amen!!🙌👏
alan.dillon.gb Good
tri_jab23 Well done!
kempleofdoom Fair is fair. The 2A was designed for citizens to stand up to oppressive regimes, how can they stand up if they can't have the same tools?
camadon23 Huge W
40grit_man Beautifully said! Thank you for your stand on that topic!
benbirrer Based.
spinwheelz1 👏👏🔥🙌
landsharkgsd Love this
andyplenge 100%
purveyor_of_boom 🍻
rad_bro_actual This is awesome, great job Mark!
1common_man That's real🙌🙌
markgsa Dropping bombs on them tho.
dug1970 Love it!! 🔥🔥🔥
dankowalchick Baller!!!🔥
nipepluap Based
big_frank_blankenship Much respect. To bad more companies don't operate like this
jeffsmiddy Thanks so much for putting everyone's rights before the Almighty dollar!
rhyseee 🙌🙌🙌
styles4130 My man!!!
amylynnwv Oh Mark....Mark Mark Mark....you are a national treasure. I applaud you, sir. u s
jwm4liberty Surprisingly based take from @laruetactical
thisismysafetysir1 Every American gun manufacturer should have this policy
brucebruce_.252 Good on you @laruetactical !!!
ladyliberty_llc Kudos!! 🙌
camouflage_160 👏🙌
rugbeater5352 That's why I didn't move back after leaving the military
timandrews181 Awesome!
timandrews181 Love your 2 stage trigger
wfk850 Based
ragnars_girl Ethics look good on a man! Keep up the good work
eljefe757va Awesome. Love this
seanpatrickvisuals 👏👏👏
callsign_tropic_gato 🙌🙌🙌
guillermok1_ 🧡🔥
cyborgert 👏
jalkl As a LEO, American and sincere Patriot, I can definitely support this!
tylerhecker23 M E G A B A S E D
alrue21 @laruetactical LE in California and I completely support you
jon_dt23 🙏👏
mad_guard_dog Thank you
thebruce62 Nice try copper!
smstacy82 Thank you from california
surfnazicope This!
cripple_vt Hell yeah!
mrtonypic Mr Larue...I appreciate for having and maintaining that stance. All it takes for evil to triumph is a few good men doing nothing. You sir, are doing something😌u s . Hats off.
naturalborntacticsclothing LaRue FOR THE PEOPLE BY WE THE PEOPLE🙌👏🧡
jesse_cobia I love this!
definitely_not_dale_gribble Thanks you. Happy to buy your products.
gdesrosier_ This is the way.
spencer.bangerter Hell yeah. Mad respect.
blunderbuck I cannot imagine the seething. Lol. Good call.
andrewski_wong Mega based
patmonster 🙌
tellicojack This is some backbone.
jmal2a.1776 👏
jf_shooter Reality hits you hard, bro.
chef_wards This is the way
shda5582 New lifetime customer here.
uncouth_buth THIS
dromo07 :) 👏
letsg0br4ndon Yoooo... this is where it's at.
bucks_blades_bullets Respect 🤙
rick_grad Every new Larue customer should see this. We have a choice where we spend our money. As 2A supports, our money should go to companies like this. Bravo.
eldirtsr 💪position and I do love it.
damatocustomstippling Bravo!!👏👏👏
goldensaber147 Beautifully done.
goldensaber147 Just thinking to myself. I wish all gun manufacturers would do this not just on a state level but a federal level as well. Gun policy would change real quickly.
jlakis289 I love it! It's called Equality 🤣🤣
mach1_tazdevil 👏
oh.its.theo Thank you. 👏
chazoahu Proud of this Mark!
romeo__foxtrot 👏👏👏🧡 u s
kevin_black253 Hell yeah! I live in WA state and things have gotten so tyrannical.
roadapplesforge 👍👏💪😎👍👏💪😎👍👏💪😎
lurch_actual This is the way
jbrehm_14 👏👏👏
n_e_a_l_z_u_m_b_r_o 🙌 Real action!
txranchmoney Love it ML!!
theadamchuckrow Another reason I want a LaRue!
jtex35 👏👏👏
bluecollar_gunfghtr 🤘🤘🤘🤙🤙🤙u s u s u s
scottydoesknow188 This!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
azmadmonk As a cop, I disagree. As a citizen, I get it.
riflesblackcoffeeblackpewpew 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
coachnsparks 👏
sgt__chaos That's awesome bro.
b8drivers 🔥🔥🔥
rogue_texan1 👏👏
rzrblade247 👏
laurelandelm 👏👏👏👏
maniacal_man Never change
turbogsr_ Based.
richarddavidcimino Amen
kcgunner Why I still buy LaRue
dustin_tebbutt 🙌
76yellowpig wow......be he doesn't use the word "civilian" where the word "CITIZEN" should be used as well. My next AR will be a LaRue
camden_renckert Tbh a Great policy
goodwrench402 My man!
wasrname Based
shredla And this is why ALL of my optics sit in Larue mounts or have after market larue components
mysonsareguns Based! 🔥
thebrokenasianguns Ayeee!!!
john.saechao510 I can't LIKE this post enough!🧡
_rybar_ 👏👏👏👏
willie_________55 😁
addicted.to.steel 🔥
chadwebley 🙌
billetbobammo That's awesome! Good for you! 👏
jgkansas_ Mark LaRue might just be the greatest Patriot since John Wayne 😂
silver_boomerang Based AF.
_bfark Which is the illegal part?
j.ya.boi.j BASED
jeffyoung357 Wouldn't it be great if every firearm mfr in the country took a similar stance.
ct_defiance 🔥
aloha.assassin Super based.
armedboricua 👏👏👏👏👏 awesome guys
blackwolftactical308 👏👏👏 nice!!!!
brandahn But will you guys still ship to WA state residents?
bt_actual My man
zakwillard I need to escape this state
samruk_t1be Based
justiagency I'm in JACK!!! Fucking hell, take my heart and throw the key away 🤣
dadvswild The hero we deserve. 💯
just_battles87 Fuck yesssss
general_falcon42 Very based.
sheadwood This is amazing
jjones9984 🙌👏👏👏
ivankuhn109 👍🔥
justabitoutside_official 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
rosticarms Bravo 👏
blackhawk8806 Thank you for your support of second amendment rights.
layin_chrome_lined_pipe 👏👏👏
starsandstripes0033 Buy more from these guys!
joeydavis_332 Isn't this the same company that said they can't wait for bumpstocks to be gone?😂
r_dieva85 Proper gents
fernando_smf 🔥
tactic00l_p0tat0 There need to be more company's like this
schyler_1228 This should be every firearm manufacturers policy!
ghostmarmot Based.
eazycomeeazyspent Based 👏
brainhousinggroup This, this is how we turn the tide.
citizengreyarms 👏👏👏
mattcollins1936 All weapon and tactical manufactures should do this. Force laws to change real quick
get_the_stones_abdul Was there a response to this?
pacionrob 👏👏👏🔥🔥
rickworby This is a policy all firearms manufacturers should have.
soundbyte Ok that's it, take my money
shotlesstaken 🔥🔥🔥 Damn straight
kknives_switzerland Based.
milk_tea_boba_drink Thanks for having balls
nullnullsnider Chad!
the.joe.patrick I sincerely hope this was King County/Seattle, WSP or Pierce County those Woke Ass SOBs that openly supported gun control measures.
jontornquist 👏
cowboy_crafton @aeroprecision
anthony.wilkie Based.
redacted_surfcaster Based
k.r.flud Hell yes!!
angel2guns Bless you
tactical.jackal Larue is 🤴.
rebelpatriot0704 respect
north_westerner_sender As a Washingtonian I love this. Thank you for fighting the tyrants.
idizzy0 u s 😎 that's how you stand for something
public_land_outdoorsman Much respect Mark!
mannyhotsauce 👏👏👏👏👏
roy5_fivesix 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
the_bhole_destroyer_2.0 Now don't ask your favorite trainer why they offer LE/fed only classes at a discount.
avekingworldwide 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
gunfighter_usmc As a resident of the People's Republic of Washington- I support and respect this 👏
sightpicture762 Had a similar policy at a couple places I worked at involving mags above 10 rounds. If the citizens couldn't buy them, we weren't giving special treatment to those who enforce those unjust laws. Whom mind you, more than half the time had attitude and would try and pull the "im a cop" card. To which I often responded with "im a gun shop employee," see I can say what I do for a living too, it doesn't change the price of gas.
theghostofchancereborn 👏👏👏 Based!
tollefson733 So awesome 🔥
chasin_pedos_to_the_gallows Sh¡t, this is the pick-me-up I needed today. Thank you sir
mexicanposse22 God bless you guys for standing firm and protecting the 2nd Amendment.😎👊u s 💪
legion_four_ You just became my spirit animal
alex.cromie What's illegal about this rifle tho? 16" barrel
edd_santo Make business owners based again
bing_the_welder Long time customer that was unaware of this policy. Even more reason to keep supporting company.
I had a LGS/mfg block me because I criticized them for stopping sales to civilians on everything and only selling to LEOs during Covid
dickytoes You're the real MVP
smg200186 Unbelievably based 🙌
kinetic_auto Wish every company would do this. Would love to be a fly on the wall watching them read your response
coyote_killer_casey Cause....fuck em, that's why
2ateacher I love you long time
pnwfordtruckguy @govinslee @jayinslee @agbobferguson disarming the Police departments who protect them since 2022 #hypocrites #backfire