... In today's news ... 😳
803 likessilmy45 Nice catch. Your doing good things brother. Keep it up. I look forward to your posts besides the eye candy. 1 like
james_siler Crenshaw several months ago supported red flag laws. WTF! 3 likes
joe.numbers So they all didn't know what they were voting on? And that's somehow better? 2 likes
brad_jackie55555 Ex Navy Seal Crenshaw voted for it? Dang. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @brad_jackie55555 ... He's given me pause a couple times lately. 7 likes
  -  jacktatro @brad_jackie55555 why does that surprise you?!? He has previously stated that he favors them. Actually, if you look back, republicans always support gun control. 1 like
  -  thomasdefelice @brad_jackie55555 he addressed his "support" for it. Supposedly they agreed to let it in to pass the rest of the bill with the intention to shoot down the red flag bits of it at a later date... I'm not well versed in law or this specific bill so I may be wrong but it was something to that effect. 1 like
  -  20and6 @brad_jackie55555 dan snake has always supported red flag laws. But when you call him on it you are told you've been triggered, or that he only did it to get the military funded and he has assurances it will be different. 2 likes
jcdyer94 And yet, he still voted for it... 2 likes
stevenguastella And the over 100 members of the GOP that voted "Yea" in favor of it as well. 🤬 1 like
lost_soul12151791 With so many voting for it shows that either they read it and don't care or they didn't read it at all. My bet, they don't really care. 1 like
next_phase_construction They'll try and take them from the rest of us under the guise of "public health." It's already in motion.
suppressednation_chris Or you could read what you're voting on...no excuse
charles_helm Don't worry, they're just disarming the military. 😮😒🤦
scottdonn1 Yup they will keep coming
eff_you_lefties Cawthorn voted for it also. But he put out an explanation video a few days ago.
jdg0707 It's getting scary out there.
chunkyhrvatski They knew. They all knew. Don't pretend otherwise. 3 likes
gsmolek302 I think they are asking us to march on DC again. It won't be so pretty the second time. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @gsmolek302 ... IIRC, Patton and Blackjack Pershing swept DC of military folks that wanted to be paid backpay for the Big War (?) ... I think the pay shack was ultimately moved back a few paces 🦏 3 likes
sweg_77_ Nice job on the POS REPUBLICANS signing off on this What a shit stain Crenshaw has turned into 1 like
dvcasey03 Crenshaw voted for this shit, traitor 4 likes
war_taco @artzco
  -  artzco @war_taco This should get stripped in the Senate...
  -  laruetactical @artzco ... It should, but that would mean the NeverTrumpers aka Republicans would have to lift a finger ... 3 likes
mikenotgonnagetit Yup and RINOS like @dancrenshawtx , @repmattgaetz and @madisoncawthorn all voted for this bill then tried to excuse it with "but...but...this bill funded the military! We promise it'll be removed next vote...well maybe" . Absolutely reprehensible!