... Thank God it's Friday 🤷
2,467 likesinfinitejoker Democracy is the tool used to accomplish all of that destruction. It's the republic that's been destroyed. When(if) future generations look back on this time period of American history they will say that the previous decades spent elevating "democracy" over the constitution led to our downfall. 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @infinitejoker ... Future generations will read only what the book burners let them see. 33 likes
brad_jackie55555 Nothing to fear, old Joe will save the day!
  -  laruetactical @brad_jackie55555 ... "Old Joe" is the pack's name, named after their fake leader. 1 like
parallax_error1 Nice method for bypassing the censorship algos 10 likes
  -  laruetactical @parallax_error1 ... It's a critical thinking man's sport. 13 likes
  -  eatm.yass72 @laruetactical is there a place where I can the list of seeds that come in your SHTF kits?
  -  laruetactical @eatm.yass72 ... Dunno, I shoot and design stuff. 7 likes
huntin_nv Well said!!!!
americanmadestcf You can't kill an idea and that ideal of individual Liberty, freedom and independence isn't going anywhere. However the current state of the nation is dismal.
kodiak_precision Entirely sums it up. Enough is Enough! Have a great weekend my friend.! 1 like
t4r_snow_tank 🐍🏴💀🦅us
steven_barnes_official Pretty much
mac_daddy62 Totally Agree
elias_circle_g_design_ America is temporary. Christ is eternal; put you faith in the TRUTH 1 like
josephgrella Spot on!
luffy_dmack 💯
junkman768 👏👏👏👏😢
loganmk330 Thank you for making the tools we'll need...
pablo_picasorino A REPUBLIC... if you can keep it 3 likes
artherleee Well. You're not wrong.
bretmail Nailed it!
mkbrown26 ...and on a brighter note I just got in my 556 stealth barrel and straight bow trigger! Can't wait to get it all out together!!
bryanross6454 The issue is this is what democracy brings. In a Republic we wouldn't have these issues. The mob rule will be our demise. 8 likes
freedomseeds9000 This is what they meant by "bUiLd BaCk BeTtEr". Sickening
mcy.tm Yep!...😡🤬😢
kar_o__ May god help us
claytonjilliums Democrats
christianoutlaw79 This is best summary of what is wrong with this country that I've heard in awhile 👏👏👏
southpawgunstuff Democracy is the problem. This country was supposed to be setup on the ideology of a constitutional republic. 16 likes
  -  laruetactical @southpawgunstuff ... "When Benjamin Franklin was asked after a session of the Constitutional Convention, ""What kind of a government have you given us?"" he replied, ""A democracy, if you can keep it."" 8 likes
  -  southpawgunstuff @laruetactical then it's good thing one man doesn't get to decide what principles this country was founded on. He didn't write the constitution for a reason. Democracy doesn't work unless everyone is mutually good and has the same basic principles. Rule of law will always be better than rule of the 51% 3 likes
  -  uuum_yea @laruetactical you've misquoted my friend. He said "A Republic, if you can keep it" 1 like
  -  laruetactical @uuum_yea ... America's schools stopped teaching the finer points of history after the glass ceiling was broken and the top 10% flew through the hole on to bigger and better things, leaving the weak sisters to dumb down America. 2 likes
cowboy_cris When you hear politicians say "it's an attack on democracy".... Yes that was the point. We where never set up to be one in the first place!
rick37784 Amen!..so when does 1776 2.0 start? Lol 😉 9 likes
mcfarlin.kevin When voting with ballots no longer works... we the people are gonna have to vote with b🐂let's.
dark_nova3 All I have to say, is your conspiracy buddy was laughed at until now, and now I'm I... mean they're just looking at the rest like hipsters... did it before it was cool
jamestf91 Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. 2 likes
metallicasma Use me as a "Fuck Sleepy Joe" button
brad_jackie55555 @returnofnolan - That percentage is going to go up astronomically to pay for the new illegals that have just flooded into our borders and are never leaving. You work, so they can stay home on the sofa. 99.9% will also vote for one party, the party of free stuff. 1 like
laruetactical @cmjc102 ... Your beer math is strong 💪 2 likes
laruetactical @returnofnolan ... So, 7 out of 10 of those overtime hours you put in are taken to cover the non-contributing, no-tax-paying costs of fellow citizens. Who's the slave now ? 2 likes