... Wow, a bow hunting sheep hunter finds the remains of a 1968 bow hunting sheep hunter near Salmon, ID. ... R.I.P. mountain man
1,579 likesem_b10gg Well yeah, you been to Salmon, ID? lol it's a street in the middle of the woods 😂 they wouldnt even know where to begin looking for that dude 1 like
  -  laruetactical @em_b10gg ... Yep, and far more so in 1968. IIRC, Elmer Keith lived in Salmon, Idaho then. 3 likes
rampant2019 I always hunt in 2's in middle of nowhere situations. Never know whats gonna get you😢 2 likes
roncarter1759 Wow
matthewdropco 🙏🏻
troywmeyer Guess nobody heard him shooting in the air? 😂
minerals_chaser38 This guy was at piece for 53 years and i can't even get a 30 minute nap in my house without someone finding me?? 2 likes
brad_jackie55555 This happens all the time, especially with ice climbing.
farley_shawz Dick Cheney? 1 like
perez2021juan Wow, that's nuts
matt_and_a_map That's a sad story. I hope there's no plot twist down the line.
  -  laruetactical @matt_and_a_map ... The plot twist is "don't forget matches" 🤷 8 likes
  -  bmullis @laruetactical AMEN to the matches!! I've been elk hunting in Salmon Idaho and it gets colder than a well digger's ass out there ⛄⛄⛄
  -  screaming_reels_556 @laruetactical Better makes those waterproof matches. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @screaming_reels_556 ... 💦💦💦 1 like
randysnyder Wonder how long his wife stayed mad at him. 39 likes
  -  sp0kanistani @randysnyder you seem to infer she's not STILL mad. 29 likes
  -  laruetactical @sp0kanistani ... Perfect, thanks for the laugh 😎 13 likes
  -  chasin_pedos_to_the_gallows @sp0kanistani 😂
  -  kalohao @randysnyder 😂
askani79705 "I, Hatchet Jack, being of sound mind and broke legs, do leaveth my bear rifle to whatever finds it. Lord hope it be a white man. It is a good rifle, and kilt the bear that kilt me. Anyway, I am dead." 26 likes
  -  jfftucker @askani79705 Jeremiah Johnson, great flick. 5 likes
nicodywill Did they determine a cause of death? 7 likes
  -  breedlove.ben @nicodywill the remains are 53 years old…. Apply some critical thinking here and reevaluate your question 2 likes
  -  jmhill_2469 @breedlove.ben it's a legitimate question. Apply some technology that we have today on those 53 yr old remains and they'll be able too. 13 likes
  -  titan_rook @breedlove.ben Take your own advice. Injuries of the flesh will be long hidden yet, there's plenty of CODs which could leave evidence on any remnants of the clothes and certainly any marks on the bones. Blunt force injuries, as well as penetrating trauma, can damage bones and are clearly different than that of any carrion feeder. If his demise was at the muzzle end of another, COD might entirely be surmisable. 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @titan_rook ... Maybe he fell on his quiver full of broadheads 🤷 7 likes
  -  drickvalsky @breedlove.ben LMOA!!!
  -  pawpawlammy @laruetactical if this was Cali it would be a Covid 68 death. 2 likes
  -  matt_and_a_map @titan_rook this is the plot twist I meant. Murder, natural weather causes, accident, attacked by an animal. I don't know much more about this story other than what I read on here, so all developments are lost on me.
  -  mdbm777 @breedlove.ben even if you're right (you're not), why is your first instinct to be a condescending douche? Be better
  -  manning_motorsports @breedlove.ben tell that to Ramesses III
  -  breedlove.ben @mdbm777 anyone who says "be better" is by default a condescending douche 1 like
  -  mdbm777 @breedlove.ben nice deflection
  -  nicodywill @breedlove.ben oh fuck. I didn't realize that once remains get old they can't determine how someone died....
duckhnt @laruetactical..... See I told you that Chu Kar hunting was dangerous here!