... By the way, on that rifle from yesterday, trying to hit the bullseye, I was holding a 1/2 inch high and 1 inch right 😎 ML
251 likesptlm5.0 Why do I see a guy in a suit doing the Pledge of Allegiance in the bullets holes on the one that says 390.....? 10 likes
  -  laruetactical @ptlm5.0 ... Dunno, I was seeing a baked potato, with butter and bacon bits 🤷 10 likes
  -  lkcrome @ptlm5.0 for sure, sure you're not a inspector/detective?? 1 like
  -  ptlm5.0 @lkcrome nope just a patrolman 1 like
  -  ptlm5.0 @laruetactical look closer. It's a white guy top bullet or bullets is the head. White face with dark hair. Underneath that your see the white collar of the dress shirt and the black spot under that is the jacket. The spot in front of the jacket area is his hands touching his chest. 1 like
  -  duckhnt @ptlm5.0 I see it! 1 like
  -  mysupercleverusername @ptlm5.0 lol i see it too. 1 like