... Same 6.5CM rifle/barrel. Difficult to measure these kinds of 10-shot groups. I'm guessing it's 0.600" / 0.573 moa. YMMV 🎯 ML
247 likeskodiak_precision That's great shooting and a very accurate rifle as well. Well ,good Ammo and glass helps too.
stillsaltyaf_ 🙌
tom_rakip I approved of that guess @laruetactical LOL
freakinout Almost had a smiley face
sebspeedcustoms Try the Range Buddy app for an easy digital alternative to your trusty LaRueler... no association, just enjoy using it
a_a_ron_d86 😮😮 Take my money!!! I'm sure I'm not the only one that would jump on a barrel if you did a run of them.
stretch415 What's your preferred glass for that rig?