Rural flooding north of Houston ... John Jones (Lochow Lakes) and all his guys took a dozen boats to the rescue. ML
556 likesgladiusarms Can't forget the miller lites! 🔥 3 likes
tap_rack_bang Proooobably not a good time to enjoy a beer. 1 like
  -  __cerberus @tap_rack_bang wrong. Tell me a better time to have a beer and one to offer? 2 likes
  -  tap_rack_bang @__cerberus I get the humor, really. But all of my disaster and SAR experience says that this is not smart.
  -  __cerberus @tap_rack_bang as SAR WEMT I would never have a beer in me or one to give a victim. That said, these are people volunteering their time. If the alcohol becomes a problem, well yes, that is a problem. But imo I dont see a problem with a good hearted volunteer having a beer 2 likes
  -  codycrafted @tap_rack_bang I took nearly 100 cases down for Harvey. I can tell you at the end of the day, those SAR and the victims were happy to have a cold beer 1 like
  -  laruetactical @codycrafted ... I took 10,000 waters to Mattress Mac's :-) 6 likes
  -  codycrafted @laruetactical I'm not on that level 😉 I did take donations from my coworkers and customers. One of them runs a chain of liquor stores. I filled a 6x12 uhaul with supplies and took it down. I did get to help load pallets of waters onto Blackhawks though!
treylillich Yep, it was pretty bad down here. Thank you to all who came to help
chef_wards When all else fails... Beer!
__cerberus Good people are what its all about.
driftingfate It does my soul good to see people helping each other in bad times. This is how it's done!
gunkid73 More than just Houston floods. Now and during Harvey the Beaumont, Port Arthur and Orange areas as well as the surrounding communities and those to the north especially along the Sabine river and into the lakes area were hit just as hard or harder than Houston. However media attention seems to focus on Houston. There are people quietly doing high water truck and boat rescue still here, as well as services providers working non stop. 1 like
seanbrowntattoos And at least they have Miller Light to keep them hydrated...like water anyways lmao
the_doug_and_erin_oil_show Good job guys
fyrfytrs.wife AWESOMENESS 👍🙏
full_cyclic Um...is that a calf on the boat?
full_cyclic Nobody mentions the cow on board? Just a beer can on a boat; which by the way is totally normal. Maybe cows on boats are normal for you down there but that's funny stuff in AZ!
ddt944 My home town and they've survived before, a beer and a smile goes a long way. The Golden Triangle is still heavily flooded and friends are without power and lots of impassable roads.