... This growing pile of framed "Siete Exploded View Drawings" is going out on today's UPS truck 💃💃💃 ML
229 likesfirstspear_tv Just got the UPS delivery notification for mine, need to@find a spot for it. u s u s u s
  -  laruetactical @firstspear_tv ... Does UPS deliver on Saturdays ? 1 like
  -  firstspear_tv @laruetactical Nah I got caught in the holiday. I have until Tuesday to find a spot to hang it.
  -  firstspear_tv @laruetactical I should have just drove up and picked mine up, we could have had breakfast in the shop again.
  -  laruetactical @firstspear_tv ... The relaxing days of yore ... 2 likes
longrangesurfer Got my UPS notification. Between 2-4 today!
thejeepdealer Received mine today. Thanks
icecoldmn Decided I had better clean up my reloading room..aka the garage😂 since this will class it up a bit
nhanslik Would love a run of these for the PredatAR
darylbarker65 Looks to be about 175-200?! Does that mean you're exceeding your goal of Sietes per month?
emilio_3511 Looks between 125-150. Lets hope all the signing doesn't affect your trigger finger.
govbmentcheese Got mine, awesome. Nice touch, Mark. Thank you
andymartin3441 Got mine today, Thanks Mark! Found the perfect spot above the fireplace in my reloading room! Replaced the old framed picture of a canvas back duck that may or may not have been liberated from a hotel room back in the late 80's by my cousin 😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @andymartin3441 ... 😎