... This young lady once hit a golfball at 1,000 yards, handles our "returns" desk, has taken our armorer's course, and she's in a DMR class this week. Her thinking is the DMR class will improve her PRS game. ML
1,728 likesgarrett_carlson28 That's what's up!!! Do y'all offer online classes for such? 1 like
  -  hootbro @garrett_carlson28 kinda hard to online a marksmanship class 3 likes
  -  garrett_carlson28 @hootbro What about the armorers course? I'm getting into building my own but I still don't really know enough.
  -  laruetactical @hootbro ... Well then, how about a semi-pro tip ... "with controlled force, carefully lean on the trigger while keeping sights on the spot you want to hit" Class dismissed. 💯 15 likes
rnagsr You shouldn't need a returns desk...lol!
  -  laruetactical @rnagsr ... People buy a medium only to find out they needed XXL 36 likes
  -  j_perry69 @laruetactical 😆😆😆
ronsonbiggers Current wait times on a ultimate upper and lower?
  -  tsuhobbs @ronsonbiggers comes when it comes. Lol 2 likes
  -  ronsonbiggers @tsuhobbs just would be nice too know so a grand just dosen't get withdrawn out of no where. 3 likes
  -  hootbro @ronsonbiggers go be poor somewhere else 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @ronsonbiggers ... Years ago, I was whining to my aircraft mechanic about the cost of keeping my 70 year old plane flying. He put his hand on my shoulder, looked me in the eye and said "Son, aircraft ownership is not for everyone". I still have that old bird and he's still poking and prodding and kicking November Five Five Niner Four Alpha into the air. ML 9 likes
  -  tsuhobbs @ronsonbiggers I hear yeah. They are worth the wait. Everyone is backordered right now because of one thing or another. Hang in there. You won't be disappointed. 1 like
  -  wiley.mark @hootbro go be condescending somewhere else 1 like
  -  thecodystone @ronsonbiggers it won't until it ships.
  -  ronsonbiggers @hootbro wtf does poor have to do wth a fucking ETA? 1 like
  -  starcityshooter @ronsonbiggers you mist be new here. Sit down son, and learn the way...
  -  laruetactical @wiley.mark ... Lighten up Francis ... that "go be poor somewhere else" line is the retort de jour ... and my line was one once too 😎 1 like
  -  derek.frymire @ronsonbiggers don't know if this helps, but I'm at 6 weeks, I'd assume a few more are left 1 like
  -  twojsdad @ronsonbiggers The last large frame lower I ordered was just over 2 weeks to ship.
  -  tallen805 @ronsonbiggers, hang in there. I'm currently at 10 weeks for the barrel I ordered. Give the nice receptionist a call and ask them politely how your order is coming along. 1 like
  -  h0bg0blin69 @hootbro internet tough guy confirmed, sick quote in your bio
  -  hootbro @doomsl4y3r 😘
  -  h0bg0blin69 @hootbro ok tough guy
  -  hootbro @doomsl4y3r 😘😘😘
  -  h0bg0blin69 @hootbro beta confirmed
  -  hootbro @doomsl4y3r 😘🔥💖💜🧡🖤💛💙
  -  hootbro @doomsl4y3r don't deny IG with the knowledge of our love. They need to know how much you love my man meat in your ass. Admit it! Set yourself free!
  -  hootbro @doomsl4y3r my sweetheart don't ignore your IG fans!
  -  charliesclones @ronsonbiggers (... hearing Sinatra singing "That's Life"). I cannot begin to tell you how backed up all manufacturers are. Demand is up 2x and with children at home, American favorites are off 30% from last year. You do the math.
ukulele_shillelagh This shot reminds me of that climatic scene in "Hell or High water" 3 likes
karl.koch.71 She single? 😍😍 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @karl.koch.71 ... She said I could forward names of ammo makers 🤷 44 likes
  -  chad_pyle @laruetactical by ammo makers does she mean some guy in his garage or someone with branding and a customer service desk? 😂😂 1 like
  -  wheeler.braxton24 @laruetactical I'm becoming and ammo maker 1 like
  -  jssmith70 @karl.koch.71 my thoughts exactly.
mikesuzuki56 🔥 👍 😎 2 likes
mr_fullmetal @laruetactical anything available in .260Rem?
  -  jssmith70 @mr_fullmetal Hell yea. PredatOBR. I have in 7.62 and is sub MOA with a little Nightforce 1-8x24 eating Barnes Precious Match 175gr. Can't go wrong. I'm interested in the .260 but need a little more time understanding different loads and ballistics before jumping in. I'd like to see an Ultimate offered in the round some day. Cool stuff. 1 like
topshotdustin Verified Holy crap!!! 2 likes
blacksundaytactical Damn! I need to up my game 1 like
bretmail The hero we need 👏us 1 like
starcityshooter Shit like this is why I'm an LT fan. What over too end company owner does stuff like this with customers and fans? If there are some, let me know because I'd like to follow them too
fyrfytrs.wife My daughter is a supervisor in your shipping department and loves her job and working for you. 🙌💖 @laruetactical 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @fyrfytrs.wife ... And she's doing an awesome job organizing and reorganizing that unmerchandised little piece of chaos she boldly and fearlessly walked into ... like she was bustin' a big covey of pointed quail. 💪 3 likes
shsucb33 @lsbtexas4l we had the pleasure of visiting the shop today while you were unloading your truck! Must of been 3 different box trucks show up while we were there! @laruetactical 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @shsucb33 ... I saw you guys huddled when I rolled in, but I was on a mission. I was unloading a hundred freshly anodized lowers, then running to our other Leander facility to look over a new machine they were about to power-up. They make me drive when I'm not assigned to the dreary shootin' duties. 🤷 4 likes
  -  whatarewedo1ng @laruetactical what's the new machine? 1 like
  -  shsucb33 @laruetactical yes sir. Guys helped us out and hit us with a little knowledge as well! Professional and courteous as always! Glad you guys are busy!
gavltron What are the specs of that rife? 1 like
charliesclones Hit a golf ball 1,000 yards? 😳
charliesclones Sorry, "factories"