Someone on AR15.com asked about the possibility of a TranQuilo flash-hider. It just so happens we made some for a quiet project some months ago and I have a lousy phone pic. Now I can link that guy this answer while drinking coffee and pondering timing of Nolo Round 4 - ML
396 likesthiswildadventure I thought he was asking for a thread protector.
  -  laruetactical @thiswildadventure https://www.ar15.com/forums/industry/LT-any-chance-of-a-Tranquilo-flash-suppressor-muzzle-device-/219-289242/?r=-1&page=1&anc=3398320#i3398320 1 like
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical Rats, these newfangled Instagram gadgets won't let you copy and paste 1 like
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical I hope y'all don't think the LaRue Instagram account is some highly orchestrated advertising dept ... it ain't, it's me and my phone, so take that into account - and ML means me, Mark LaRue 48 likes
  -  thiswildadventure @laruetactical you're doing fine. And yep you were right.
  -  spotwelder @laruetactical thank you. us 👍🏻
ruizdc5 I'm glad to see you open up the comments Mark! 3 likes
whatarewedo1ng Are you going to sell them to us?
gunsandsharpthings Glad to see another potential option aside from the brake. Enjoying my MBT's by the way!
wjoecunningham @laruetactical thanks for allowing comments! Rock on! Since I know you MAY read this- any chance of SPOTR cage (a la Carter) sales?? 1 like
bali.walker While on the subject, a thread protector style blast can for my tranquillo brake would be pretty amazing. If you guys ever decided to make them. 1 like
jasonbabal Neat! I saw the thread on arfcom
johnsmith6073 Made 87 of them I bet.
shadow2__ Very cool. Patiently waiting for release 3 likes
codycrafted Sweet, but I could really use 5 thread protection/blast chamber/warden thingy dealios.
shqype_ I'm really pumped for the Siete. Lemme guess, 2 weeks? 😂
a556nato When are the 204's shipping? I ordered one on the 7th
johnbmanning 🙈
michael_two_point_ohhh Throw a demo up for grabs at COLA
whitefang721 Would definitely buy one of these for my 5.56 UU kit