... Someone said "Mark, you could probably pull the bullets out of Hornady's 140ELD 6.5CM ammo, reseat them in backwards, and they'd still shoot 3/4 moa". Dunno. But this is just another easy-day 5-shot 100 yard group (0.450") that I shot today with one of our run-of-the-mill 20" LaRue 6.5CM with Hornady's factory 140ELD. Many times here of late I've shot 3 through a single hole that doesn't get widened. Crazy. ML
421 likeskevinmichael_67 My 6.5UU loves the 140ELD.
18zepplin Great ads 1 like
  -  laruetactical @isaaclvegas ... Thanks, it's just me sharin' SGO (Sh*t Goin' On) ML 2 likes
xm0244 What is accuracy without precision? Factory groups.
  -  laruetactical @xm0244 ... Ya lost me. 🤷 1 like
  -  xm0244 @laruetactical Factory groups are usually tight but never zeroed on the bullseye; Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
  -  lylebenjamin4 @xm0244 Keep in mind the purpose of the task. 1 like
  -  xm0244 @lylebenjamin4 I was just talking for the sake of talking 😂 1 like
cyborg_ninja427 @laruetactical I ordered a red dot from you guys a few months ago and it's still listed as being on back order. Any idea when it will be back in stock and ready to ship? I emailed your customer service and called- no one answered or got back to me.
  -  laruetactical @cyborg_ninja427 .... Nope, no idea. The world is on fire and most of us in this industry are smothered in backorders. 2 likes
  -  cyborg_ninja427 @laruetactical ok. Thanks for getting back to me.
grillas_n_guns I like the custom scale! Very nice touch! 👍
azlatrans A girl comes up on my IG feed and says "I can give you whatever you want for $$$"
I reply "I want 10 MBT2s's asap"
She asks "what are those" So I immediately block her! 1 like
kodiak_precision That proves allot on both end of the spectrum
rodneyharley04 😮
lylebenjamin4 How does one buy a LT scale? Call customer service?
  -  kevinmichael_67 @lylebenjamin4 https://www.larue.com/products/larue-tactical-6-inch-tempered-steel-la-ruler/ 1 like
  -  lylebenjamin4 @gt500kevin Thank you.
86x70lm 20"?
jaytonensor Do y'all have any plans to make a 308 ar barrel?
han_brolo_760 I'll load em and send them to work with my brother if you'll send ‘em.
sochureki Need to get them tighter.... 😳
twojsdad Just ordered my 6.5CM UUK and two Tranquilos, now to settle in for the wait!