... "Not a creature was stirring ... " and you know why. 🎯 There are 💯 "Shipping" days left before Christmas. I said "Shipping", not "shopping". Anyhow, here's to you early birds out there. Merry Christmas ⛄ ML * P.S. BTW, this MGU upper went to one of y'all. Every LaRue MGU is a "Ringer". Set some steel out at 800 yards and lean on your trigger to hear the "ring" 😎
299 likestpeediz ML...what magnification on your NF do you use when doing your 100yd tests? Probably have been asked before but haven't seen in my comment searching 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tpeediz ... 5-25, turned up wide open and a 1/4 turn more. 1 like