... So I shot the first shot out of a 16" 5.56 PredatAR and it hit 10 inches low and 4 inches to the right. As always, 💯 yards. I came 10" up and 4" left on the NightForce and aimed for the middle 👀 🎯 ML
3,393 likescraigconway24 My 10 round groups look just like this 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @craigconway24 ... Somebody silly "liked" your silly post. 4 likes
frenchdip2 You keeping that one for yourself? Looks like a beaut!👍 1 like
  -  laruetactical @frenchdip2 ... No, not keeping it. Didn't pay attention to which one it was. We're making the most accurate production barrels, period ... 100 a day, 5 days a week. I can't find a hill of beans difference between 'em. Acquire yours with confidence. Accuracy - better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. 13 likes
  -  peterdick455 @laruetactical if I order just the barrel am I looking at a couple month turnaround time before it's at my door? The one on my current AR-15 is officially wore out!
jfpvh OK to me that is cited in if the rifle I'm shooting can not do that I'm going to back up and find out why Somewhere in the equation something is off if you cannot do that at 100 yards. ☕☕us us
  -  laruetactical @jfpvh ... Post pics and tell us where they are. 5 likes
  -  jfpvh @laruetactical Believe it or not I was working on one a couple weeks ago and on the fourth shot the top crosshairs went 1 o'clock 4-7-10 🤬 $$$$$$$ Lifetime warranty it's just the point ☕☕us us
thewarriordwarf Still a little low left. 😮 14 likes
dbaz88 😜🤣🤣🤣🤣
omd3100 You did the same thing a few years ago with my FDE 6.5 Grendel. You left the scope on mine. 7 likes
briarbfirearms You're a little out bottom left. Try again. 5 likes
patriotsob What Range (distance) was this tight group at? 1 like
  -  ericedwarddesigns @patriotsob they said 100yrds
luis_the_carpenter Take one shot and put it away. Next! 1 like
phillyray626 I need a larue rifle in my life soon. 1 like
careyblade 👏 Nice
danmarty33 😮
pablo_picasorino That'll do 🎯🎯🎯
enter1rock 🔥🔥🔥
lonestarosuna 👏
colorado_needle_kraft Boop
bubba_goetz 🤤🤤🤤
michaelzarmory Not bad for a "beginner"... 🤣😂😎👍
redoak.sooner Finally! 😂🙌
lostwun3606 What did it group? Nice adjustment too.
ifuckingloveguns 😮😮
esqphoto Best 1 shot group ever!
warriorsonthewaterusa Smack dab🔥
russopmk10 😮🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
abrams_joe That's hot
salerno1263 Nice 👍
aaronmarshal1200 Excellent!!!
stalincarrasco 👏👏👏
jasonpegg Goddamn. That's rad as fuck
tpm_1776 At'll do
tac_weeb What distance is this at?
jgtz42 Take my money
ncsuforester I think it could be improved by a few microns 😂
aggressivesquirrelartandstuff BadAss..... 😮
rakkasan06 You're a little left...
burlster24 DOB
sailorripley55 That makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Whack!
freedomseeds9000 Do you find upper receiver to barrel extension fit make a noticeable difference in accuracy?
josephgrella Thing of beauty!
akscott60 Aim small, miss small.
gypsytacticalworks Ok thats it!! I'm saving up my $
t4r_snow_tank 🏴💀🦅us
metallicasma I love my Stealth UU Kit
halfmilesniper Hmmm, still looks a tick low and left...you can do better, lol
mal1nis Man that's terrible accuracy. I'll help you dispose of it, just send it to me.
rangeofficerchris F**k
txcycleguy Daaaaang!!!!!
bmenzel25 I'd put that one away, she's ready to hunt with lol!
m14lvr And that sir is why most of my rifles wear NF.
kralynthomas Left Handed, Non-Dominant Eye While Drinking a cup of Joe!🤣😜
bumpgod22 I need to get a upper
bowtechman1az That's a keeper
mikeb945 Now you can tell the trolls who comment about not hitting the bullseye to STFU 😜 1 like
  -  photo__op44 @laruetactical without a doubt the best semi auto 308 I've ever used and I've used a lot. I've taken the predatobr out to 800-900 yards with good ammo. (And good scope) Moving targets at 300-400 yards. Some good lube and you can go forever. 1 like
charliestrickland93 Always was a fan of your rifles, then I saw you follow @s2_underground_3 and know you're real af 1 like