... Enhanced Siete * * * More Mark Fingar masterpieces, for your viewership enjoyment. I bastardized them a little by picking a filter that had a background ... I can see Fingar now, biting though his gums, swearing vengeance 😎 ML
1,478 likesthejdhill Say no to filters... say yes to adding a third barrel option (or being able to change order without getting out of line) 1 like
- laruetactical @thejdhill ... plain white backgrounds kill interest 2 likes
mikeb945 Any thoughts on a non-enhanced version? More like the original chassis that you had shown earlier? 2 likes
- laruetactical @mikeb945 ... I didn't like shooting it, so I punted 😎 5 likes
- stevenmcclay6921 @laruetactical good to know. Thank you!
nickywalnuts .....any plans for a southpaw iteration? 1 like
stevieb117 🔥🔥🔥🔥 WOW
c.j.g13 I just know that trigger is immaculate 😫
miah.sorensen WOW! This is awesome
cardinal_tactical Will predatobr keep it's hand rail? I expect they are interchangeable? Barrel too?
cardinal_tactical What am I saying no barrel from a gas gun, SORRY! But hand rail story?
g.abregohtx 🔥🔥
csolstice032018 My poster arrived in A+ condition. Thank you Sir. I'm pouring through reloading manuals. I feel like Ralphie waiting on that Red Ryder with the compass in the stock!
tsuhobbs How much does that weigh? Curious if it would work for run n guns.
matt.phoenix.71 Well... ups was suppose to deliver my framed poster today. Got a message saying it was damaged and returned to sender...just my luck!
uptah_camp I LOVE MY LARUE ! BEST 1 I EVER FIRED- Ret US Marine 0369 of 20 yrs .. cant wait for hunting season... saving my pennies for a matching upper.. until then my Aero upper 556 will have to do..
chaddd07 @bobg199458