... What can I say, I'm starting to feel like the Gas Gun BenchrestAR. This is some more of that SecretSquirrelAmmo @ 100 yards, MRGG-S 20" 6.5CM, Nightforce. Me on the MBT. I was aiming at the corners of the white paper. Yeah, yeah, I missed. 🎯 ML
740 likestac_pipes 🔥🔥🔥 Niiiice!
cts304 Nice groups
hkump45carbine Transparency...and honesty say a lot about the company. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @hkump45carbine ... Speaking of transparency, I was shooting through the transparent tape we use to hold the targets onto the cardboard backers ... makes the groups look just a wee bit smaller 🤷 2 likes
davisjackson__ Ok serious question for either Mark of one of you guys. Is Trijicon even shipping products to dealers right now? Everything Trijicon is sold out everywhere and it looks like they haven't restocked in about 2ish months. I can't seem to find any answers anywhere so it one of y'all do know plz leave a comment. Thanks!
  -  laruetactical @davisjackson__ ... Trijicon is not Amazon, meaning they don't "restock" per se, they have to actually make the stuff, not Amazon trucks in from China and unload them into it's massive fulfillment centers. And like us, Trijicon is in a continuous build it/ship it mode. And like us, demand has overrun capacity. So, until they magically "I dream of Jeanie" blink themselves into another smooth running operation that doubles their size, or unless demand cools off - it is what it is. 5 likes
  -  c.medvetz @laruetactical f@&k Amazon. Merica us
  -  davisjackson__ @laruetactical see that is what I was wondering. I wasn't sure if trijicon themselves kept stock or if they were a MTO kind of company.
darkstormnorm Not for nothing but you totally missed the quarter both times 🤣🐾🙌🏽 2 likes
iavramis What do you think your "barrel life" will be on a 20 in 6.5, I'm thinking of upgrading from my 20 in 7.62 OBR?
  -  laruetactical @iavramis ... Dunno, but barrels are cheap
alpha_phil15 Can you confirm if this MRGG testing is done with TranQuilo mount? Or A2 type?
  -  laruetactical @alpha_phil15 ... I won't confirm anything about MRGG testing. ML
thomb1031 Factory ammo? If not, what powder and bullet?
  -  thecodystone @thomb1031 secret squirrel ammo. Duh. 1 like
foxtrot_uniform_charlie_kiloo Does it feel good? Cant emaging feeling like a gun?🤣🤣🤣
stevenmcclay6921 Picked up a Larue lower receiver at the FFL Friday. These things are a work of art! So smooth and perfect! Ordered July 31 so a hair over a month for the impatient types. Thank you Debbie for excellent customer service!
mikemccausley You really need to stop anticipating recoil and flinching like that 😂