... This is my "beater" Siete slipped into the 3D model. I'm liking it. Plus the Siete is such a breeze to gas. ;-) ML
678 likesmrdrewchandler When will you take my kid's money? 😂 3 likes
  -  casadenewman @mrdrewchandler nice!!
  -  david_knoch @mrdrewchandler two weeks
  -  mrdrewchandler @david_knoch 😂 1 like
kevinmichael_67 Nice. Can we get a full picture? 3 likes
thiswildadventure Very nice Mark!!
matta2662 Feel free to send that beater Siete to me for proper disposal. Thanks. 1 like
jfpvh When will we see the whole rifle us us ☕☕ 2 likes
topshotdustin Verified Sweet.
josh.macintyre You got a fun "job" Mark. Living the dream. 🙌
japheth_sims "Breeze to gas..."? 🤔 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @japheth_sims Can't tell if you don't get the joke or not, so I'll err on the side of taking you literally...it's a breeze because it doesn't require any gassing. Unlike all of the AR's that each require their own gassing calibrations. How big should we make the gas port on this X length barrel. Should we use a mid length system? What about the buffer and buffer spring combo? Etc. Etc. A bolt gun requires none of that. There is no gassing, cause it doesn't matter. If that's telling you stuff you already know, forgive me for being pedantic. 2 likes
  -  japheth_sims @thirtythree_three thanks for helpin me understand the subtle sarcasm! With Mark- I never know what he's cookin up (or not cookin up.... ahem- 2011 pistol....😊)!
800mzero Please come out with a pretty wood stock model 1 like
tspain57 That's awesome!
akethan762 Can't wait
kameronallison Chassis!
david57747 That is a great looking safety and safety shroud. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @david57747 ... Bingo - ML 1 like
jjfitter6176 Tease!
instructorbrian Thank you for sharing your passion.
sakurariverhouse Now that's an innovative safety!
jlmtx83 Yeah I'm going to need one
jeromy001 Games. Just games. Been waiting for mine since shot show 2015 ;)
duckhnt Ohhhhhh wow. 🔥🔥🔥
hillviewfarmpollok How about a version for us lefties. Got put it out there. I'm sure some right handed bench shooters will want a left bolt too.
skullduggerous_pirate @mssmirke 1 like
mckeonekert 🔥
mercerbear4 ML, do you have a projected public release date? 1 like