... Hey guys, the framed Siete Exploded-View drawings are rolling out. Please let me know on here if they are making it to y'all in good undamaged shipshape us ML
270 likes7fabracing @laruetactical mine come today, no issues here. Thanks!!
longrangesurfer Do we get a tracking number for the poster shipment?
  -  laruetactical @longrangesurfer ... No, it's free and we're busy shipping them, not standing around wondering who it would be nice to send hundreds and hundreds of tracking numbers to.
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical cool, i don't need or want one. Just curious if it's something I should be looking for. 🤙
soefjeb So for us slow kids in the back, am I looking at these right? The Siete comes standard with a 6.5 creedmoor barrel AND your choice of another caliber barrel for the price shown on the web?!? If so not bad
  -  laruetactical @soefjeb ... Your reading-fu is strong grasshopper. 7 likes
chrismezzetti Very impressive! What kind of lead times are we looking at? Asking for a friend 😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @chrismezzetti ... the likelihood of being able to shoot it by Thanksgiving is quite high 😎 9 likes
  -  auav8tor @laruetactical 🙌
kyle.hendrickson12 Hey Mark, hope all is well. Received mine damaged today. Frame broke and plastic cracked down the center.
  -  laruetactical @kyle.hendrickson12 ... Guess somebody used it as a step 😎 1 like
  -  kyle.hendrickson12 @laruetactical I sent you some cool pictures on chat. 😆
connelldad Poster arrived well packaged and in good condition. Thanks Mark. 🍻
  -  jonathan.thorn.75 @connelldad Second that. Looks great.
derek_crash Your UPS rep is going to love you this month. You alone will probably cause him to hit his Q4 bonus 5 likes
tgts4885 My frame came smashed but the print was fine
  -  laruetactical @tgts4885 ... Only ten or so busted ones so far out of hundreds
icecoldmn Got mine today, somehow ups busted the plexiglass in the frame. Apparently ups can break pretty much anything. 😮
brazosbill ML, these posters have added a short fuse to the issue of how to explain this rifle to the boss lady. I figured I'd have a couple of months to come up with something. 5 likes
  -  lhawes3 @brazosbill have you had a midlife crisis yet? This could be the beginning of one?! It may not help with the initial wave of female emotion but it could work out in the long run. Might as well order a few more too...
  -  icecoldmn @brazosbill tell her the truth, you ordered a poster for 995.00. Art is not cheap😂
redoak.sooner That's a shite-ton of Siete orders 😎 1 like
kyle.hendrickson12 Will do!👏
458lottfan That is a lot of posters! Good job on the pre-sale!
chrismezzetti Awesome thanks!
ragus5333 Arrived safe and sound ... no issues
chazroh Mine arrived, busted a little, nothing that can't be remedied easily
blindjustice1973 A beautiful place holder for an expensive piece of jewelry for my wife arrived safely in WV today thank You for the autographed poster
badback99 Why don't you send Dillo dist anymore? I am an about out and girlfriend is going to leave me because I don't have anymore please help she said I could keep everything but she wants that dust man come on.. help me dude I got 4 rifles from you.. but I need doillo dust please
barajas535 @laruetactical I think mine was delivered by Ace Ventura😂. Showed up broken. But will get a new frame no big deal. Thanks for sending it. Super cool
  -  laruetactical @barajas535 ... Michael's has frames 1 like
kevinmichael_67 @laruetactical My frame is busted.
mdk98w @laruetactical I received the poster today. Thank you very much! FYI the frame and box were destroyed but luckily the poster itself made it. I am going to head to Michaels to get a nice frame now. Looking forward to having this hang in my reloading room! Thank you again