... You gents that pre-ordered your Sietes are about to experience the rebirth of accuracy 🎯 M.A.G.A. Make Accuracy Great Again (TM) 🎯 ML
1,813 likestopshotdustin Verified Oh nice!! 👏👏👏 1 like
pushing_iron_indy C'mon Mark! My LaRue UU 6.5 Grendel does that! You can do better! 🙄
  -  laruetactical @pushing_iron_indy ... That's you on the trigger with your handloads 😎 1 like
adayonthelake @laruetactical I hope I'm still on that list!!! LFG! 1 like
wolfsprairieoutdoors Awesome 🔥 1 like
octactical Well played 👏 1 like
texasgunnews Can't wait!!
usgeneral25 always something worthy of bringing back
ramos_luisj 😂😂😂😂👏👏👏👏🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
ninjadanceoff Only 5 shots? I hear it's 10 now or it's a fluke... 😏 3 likes
tugboatpirate I shot 0.67 with my 308 yesterday and jumped for joy lol. Guess I need to cut that in half lol
torchedmegacab 🔥🔥🔥🔥
sp0kanistani Just have to keep telling myself that patience is a virtue.
hashtaglanehale Thanks for the surefire 3 prong. Was in the mail today and already installed 😎👌
radiac_svcs That needs to be a LaRue bumper sticker! 2 likes
gsprague Plans for an in-house trigger?
charles_helm 👏👏👏
hitman79_actual Literally made me smile
blacklable_arms I agree 💯
vodkaparty7 OK that I can get behind
davidewade Yes!
derek1387 I've been waiting for this for...10yrs I thjnk since I joined Arfcom. Preordered with pride!
icecoldmn Are the sietes coming with proof targets?
chazroh Can't wait to get mine
doctersandman 🙌
jcmerz What is your preferred barrel break in process?
  -  laruetactical @jcmerz ... My July 22nd post 3 likes
hillviewfarmpollok Please think of us lefties. God made us this way. Let me know when, and I'll put my pre-order in asap
rnbecker88 Insane...