... Our local Leander Police Department picked up eight (8) more of our LaRue 12" 5.56 rifles to outfit some of their new recruits. We here at LaRue proudly donate LaRue-made rifles to a handful of our local Police Departments ususus ML
1,885 likes240gr Note to self.... Startup small Texas PD 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @240gr ... Note to self, keep the ban button warmed up 🔥 5 likes
  -  tdrake97 @laruetactical I think that was a compliment sir
  -  laruetactical @tdrake97 ... There's no guarantee I'll look up from the bench to see if you're smiling or not 😎 1 like
beaverheavyactual Wants a 12.5 Stealth. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @beaverheavyactual ... Another uneven integer 😎 2 likes
  -  beaverheavyactual @laruetactical two Bourbons will sometimes do that. Let's meet in the middle at 12"
  -  458lottfan @beaverheavyactual 12.3
katori_actual Got any 11.5 inch complete uppers?
  -  laruetactical @katori_actual ... An uneven number 😎 1 like
  -  katori_actual @laruetactical yes!
duckhnt @laruetactical Mark is as good as it gets when it comes to supporting law enforcement. He didn't hesitate a second when asked about getting some SBRs into the hands of a few SWAT guys. Thank you, Mark for your continued support and generosity!
skipjack86 Bravo 👏 Mark!! 😢 Miss my old town of Leander ... wish I could have settle there
connelldad Honest question, do they have to send paperwork to ATF? 7 likes
  -  bagpiper0911 @connelldad - LE Agencies are exempt. 1 like
  -  vangc83 @connelldad, I believe they still complete paperwork to the ATF, but are exempt from tax 2 likes
  -  pnhurst @connelldad yes but it is tax free
  -  laruetactical @pnhurst ... Guessing all gov't agencies are tax-exempt 🤷 3 likes
wolfsprairieoutdoors Awesome 🔥
breezyclipper 🔥🔥🔥 OUTSTANDING WORK ⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ THANK YOU for helping our guys stay frosty in the hell zones.
tictac702 I identify as breach man in a tac unit (or atleast it looks like i ate one 😄) can my OBR get a little brother?!?!
colleenvomundphotography Thank you!
mcgrubbs Outstanding. Good man.
louisdanielyousif The Police are the standing army the Founding Fathers warned us against. 3 likes
erikn65 Hell yes. That's why I buy LaRue products, no matter the cost. I support those who support us 👏 1 like
longrangesurfer And to think I paid for all 3 of mine. Didn't know I could've had them donated!
bustoutbenny Can I order one? If so what is the estimated wait time? Thanks
firstspear_tv u s u s u s
frisco_rps13 12" stealth barrel please 2 likes
istrupinskiy What I wouldn't give for a 12" Match Grade or Ultimate complete upper! 1 like
billetbobammo Awesome! u s
billsnearly Awesome! Do you provide them training as well?
kodiak_precision That fantastic!!
aggressivesquirrelartandstuff Strong work guys! One more reason you guys are Classy AF....
therealsmt They're lucky to have you!!!
antb2048 Bravo
cccosby Any update on when more of the stealth uppers or large frame uppers will be available again? I really want a DMR upper to go with a spare larue lower I have sitting around. Could use a surge for another lower as well. 1 like
radiac_svcs 12 inches rules! 1 like
wayne_caruthers Thanks Mark 👏
michael.gill.1968 You are frigging awesome!!
_mike_farina_ We need them!
icecoldmn I have a 12" obr great pistol as I just bought the upper.
b_fos_350 Will there ever be a 12" PredatAR barrel?
ranrey58 I know an officer or two who carry Larue and are proud of the fact. Thank you
duckhnt @l3
bigpowertool You're the man
evan_phelpss 👏 1 like
keyspeed09 Thank you for your support
coasharnoldez 🙌🙌
crush_in 🔥🔥🔥🔥 1 like
7fabracing 👏🙌🙌👏👏
chris__sti 👏
sethjameswalker 👏👏👏
frankc157 🧡u s
gingerbeardman05 How's those mbt-2s-straight bow triggers coming along?
zombiemonkey336 One day I'd love to pick up a 12" to replace my SBR LMT I carry for work. I've got enough other Larue rifles you'd think I'd have picked up one for work...
stuntman_chase1 So do they have to pay the $200 extortion fee per SBR too? 7 likes
codyy05 @laruetactical you should put those up on the site. I wouldn't mind to have one of those bad boys 3 likes
  -  patrick.a.johnson314 @codyy05 Damn right! 1 like