... The Tx DPS Aviation helo dropped in today for a quick visit, that's them on departure ... they run LaRue rifles. So does the DOE OST (formerly TSD) ... as does the FBI HRT ... and some guys that weren't told who they work for, or at least that's what they told us. 🧐 - ML
781 likesderekhbailey I remember building the DPS guns back when I worked there, those 14.5" 308s were pretty cool
sotexwhiskeyguy I saw one of your rifles at the Rangers museum in Waco. 6 likes
j._gunz Any commies in the payload? 😁 1 like
benarmstrong Phew I thought you were getting Jade Helm'd 😬 2 likes
vegass710 Seen one of your rifle here in Las Vegas being used by the swat 🧡
akscott60 Awesome
honkin_and_tonkin Glad our tax dollars are being used on some quality rifles lol 4 likes
michaelanthonybreeding How far out is your back order for your triggers/magpul bipods for an order placed in beginning of August?
  -  laruetactical @michaelanthonybreeding ... Triggers we make and got over-run on, but it's ain't but a week behind. We don't make the Magpul bipod, so I got no idea there. If you ordered together, to save you shipping cost, we might be holding the trigger waiting in the bipod. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @michaelanthonybreeding ... Sorry typos ... accidently posted before I was done fixin' it.
  -  acp_trainer @laruetactical us Typo tip: *press and hold the space button - you then can move the curser around and your finger becomes a mouse* (I hope that explanation makes sense) 👍🏼 1 like
p_ekasingh Sweet!
everydaypeoplesigp365 My biggest regret was building my own very expensive dream builds. Should've started with a @laruetactical as a much better origin. Cheaper and better in the long run. 4 likes
hobbit0717 Should have locked a door back and went helihog hunting.
thirtythree_three @laruetactical Not sure I'd be telling people that the HRT team is using your rifles. As pro-America and no matter how much I support LEO, FBI HRT has a history of murdering my fellow citizens including an unarmed woman holding a baby. no matter how repugnant she may have been, she didn't deserve to be slaughtered. 1 like
  -  modest_omega @thirtythree_three ohhhh boyyyyy here we go 🙃🙃🙃 5 likes
  -  derekhbailey @glockisgood ill buy 3 right now, if its good enough for them must be good enough for me a average person 🤣 4 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @derekhbailey I have three. Large frame OBR/Large Frame Predatobr/small frame 5.56. You won't be disappointed.
  -  derekhbailey @thirtythree_three i have 2 already, I also used to work for larue back in 2010-2012 2 likes
  -  derekhbailey @thirtythree_three i helped build these very rifles the TX DPS runs 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thirtythree_three ... That was 20 years ago and today's HRT was in the 2nd grade then. 10 likes
  -  modest_omega @derekhbailey true, Hi-Point and Taurus weren't used at Ruby Ridge, better go support them lol 😂😂
  -  thirtythree_three @glockisgood Knights and LMT weren't either... 1 like
  -  modest_omega @thirtythree_three KAC has prolly smoked as many civilians as HRT, just not here in the US. Still being mad about Ruby a Ridge is like being mad at Columbus. We got bigger fish to fry 2 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @glockisgood HRT is a microcosm of the FBI, and I'm pretty sure we have a lot of current reasons to be upset with thE FBI these days....and that's my point. It's not a good look to say, "We provide rifles to an entity that is currently known for corruption and deceit at the highest levels, and also that [used to] slaughter Americans.
  -  modest_omega @thirtythree_three "it's not a good look" 🤡 1 like
kodiak_precision Awesome! Run only the Best!!! 2 likes
acp_trainer us
ianmixon1 Thank you for MBT Triggers and affordable hand guards and grips. Can you also please take a bite out of the bipod and iron sight market . Seems there is a high demand with the shortage of plastic and a good set of american made steel products from you would be awesome 2 likes
wizard_west 👌🏻looks like a BK117 up there! 1 like
shooter_mcswag What are you going to do when biden sicks the same guys you sold those rifles to on you? 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @shooter_mcswag ... I take it by your post you're a Biden ball washer and hope it happens to keep yourself in practice. Ban yourself before I do. 4 likes
  -  shooter_mcswag @laruetactical thats not the case! Nobody on my end is a biden fan. Im a red votin Texan through and through. I do worry though and really wondered if you have ever considered one day that it may come to that hypothetical question that I asked? 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @shooter_mcswag ... It's incestuous to shoot me with one of my guns. I'll never hear it coming cause I'm gonna keep the quality up so they don't muck it up. 😂 38 likes
  -  sdh_custom @laruetactical biden has no shot. They've chosen trump. 1 like
  -  tjmango @shooter_mcswag Read up on Mark on this. In 2013 he started applying all state and local laws that citizens are subject to, to the departments that are over those citizens. He's ahead of the curve in leveling the playing field.
tdrake97 Why does the dps need rifles?
  -  laruetactical @tdrake97 ... Same reason you do ... unless you're saying you don't need one either. When the 357 Magnum was first introduced, Ed McGivern said it opened the gap on how far a pistol guy had an equal chance against a rifle guy. IIRC, 650 yards (?) 1 like
  -  motivational_mateo @laruetactical - My first shooting book as a kid was from Ed 1 like