... Blueminium steel ... ML
711 likesdoh_0013 I need this.
tonyleal84 Blue Bolts Matter
_eddievega 🔥😍😍😍🔥
salerno1263 👍 Nice
d_walcott I need one of those !
gabe.trd I want it, I want it bad
motobott "really, really ridiculously good-looking." Derek Zoolander 3 likes
biggumiron313 @laruetactical are your gas keys staked? Are staked gas keys a standard practice? 🤔 1 like
  -  laruetactical @churchofgat ... Ask me how I know you don't know who we are ... ML 12 likes
  -  biggumiron313 @laruetactical I guess I will check the specifications on your web page? 🤷
  -  laruetactical @churchofgat ... "Unfriending" me would be a good start. 🎯 25 likes
  -  egianole @churchofgat to translate from Mark Larueian: yes we do 4 likes
  -  ill_gottengainz @laruetactical 😂🤣😆 1 like
  -  biggumiron313 @laruetactical that's a strange response to interest in your product. I am in the market for a bcg and thought you might provide insight as you are manufacturing them. "Unfriending" you is a start. Blocking you is my pleasure. 👌 3 likes
  -  thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow @ultimatepoorv2 ...If you don't know about the quality, accuracy, history (and managements temperament) of LaRue, then you're probably shopping in the wrong store... :) 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow ... Management's? Your mother's ass, I'm the owner. 🤓 30 likes
  -  thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow @laruetactical 😂 (It was an attempt a humor). You suffer no fools, it's legendary and it's common knowledge for those who know you (if only virtually). 3 likes
  -  va_berry84 @churchofgat RESEARCH, research, research...... larue isn't loved by so many for@cutting corners and half assing important details! Smdh, No one should have to give you an answer! Find it on your own.
  -  ghostmanacat @churchofgat for someone named Church of Gat, you'd think you'd be well versed in the firearm bible and the Gospel of Mark (Larue) 😉 5 likes
  -  getmemarlowe ML. Perpetual charmer. Fudd personified.
  -  shitcreekinternational @churchofgat good lord....😂🤦
  -  laruetactical @getmemarlowe ... "Fudd Proud !" bitch 7 likes
  -  the_og_brad @laruetactical you are my new favorite company 🤣 I lost 3k subs this year, had to make an account for my honesty. Now I need to sell ll my burris shit
  -  mauigold1 @churchofgat you might as well block everyone on here, including me. Your just been gaslighted. Good luck in whatever it is you're trying to achieve 1 like
  -  dl42 @churchofgat 1. The answer to your questions are yes, and yes. 2. Mark and most of his followers (including myself) are a sarcastic bunch, which doesnt translate to text, so newbies such as yourself arent likely to pick up on it immediately.
  -  abelcompanyarms @laruetactical 🤣🤣🤣
  -  parabellumgenetics_ @churchofgat I know bro I feel bad for you it's too bad but you're tiger-striped gunfighter with LaRue products on it what a waste
  -  pepethegunslinger @churchofgat I have a bunch of Larue stuff- one OBR, 2 barrels, several triggers and multiple optic mounts. After seeing how much of a douche he is to people on here I'm not going to buy his shit anymore. This isn't the first time I've seen him act like a cuck to people asking simple questions. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @pepethegunslinger ... Ask me how I know you don't know what "cuck" means, even though it's oddly in your vocabulary. 1 like
  -  sukdriver @laruetactical someone isn't getting any dillo dust! EVER! 😂 1 like
just_mike_bray 😂
reluctant_hobby_farmer I swear, the owner is my favorite person on here!! 2 likes
madmatt360360 geeze if you only staked the gas key. you could have all my money's 🙃
kodiak_precision Lighting makes it even sexier! Carry on!
bretmail 🍿🍿🍿👀 just here for the comments 1 like
eliterifles I once got sucked into a 1000+ page book just because your barrel I bought said "Rearden Steel" on it... 2 likes
him72984 Is this a new bcg from L.T.?