... Let's say you faced-off both sides of a flat and parallel 100 mile diameter heavy duty stainless steel disc, on your gigantic Lathe. Then you took the disc off the lathe and threw it down on the flat ground. Then a storm front rolls through and dumps 2" of rain on your new disc. Which way does the rainwater run off your new disc ? 🧐
174 likesmikeb945 You said flat ground and not level ground. The water would run down hill of course 1 like
weapongear I can believe the huge disc but 2" of rain? Never going to happen 1 like
nuerosis19 Flat ground over 100 miles isn't flat... unless you're one of them 🤔 5 likes
mstro41286 Towards the ocean 1 like
jasonbabal South
charliesclones Can a 100 mile disc remain flat, when "flat" on the Earth's surface will only be tangent on on surface at the center? Thus the edges of the disc will either bow to the surface, or remain elevated above the surface if the Earth, depending upon the thickness of the disc. The metal will have some degree of uneven crystals of metal and thus density per cubic inch, and the water will flow as the disc bows further in its least dense point. Rainwater will build a surface tension and stay on the disc until it doesn't. .
Now tell us the answer. I don't believe 2" of water can keep its surface tension, and while Coriolanus will affect the spin of water, I don't think it will affect which side waters off first. 2 likes
willembryfishing Away from the bur that was formed throwing it on the ground
taupetopia Without a hole in the middle? Disk gonna be a saucer...
tedinvestsinyou Off the edge of the disk wherever the surface tension breaks first 3 likes
citizenoftheus I wouldn't really care to be honest. I'd just be happy to have the biggest disc in the county.
oght6 It would run from north to south obviously. North is up, South is down.
redoak.sooner Assuming the disc is level, the water would drain first back off the side with rain water hitting the edge and breaking water tension, then spread with the storm's wind force. 2" simultaneously appearing over the whole disc would be different.
bill9mill I'll say it just puddles up on that bad boy and never breaks surface tension due to the 100 mile diameter
almost_moa Whichever way the floor is slanted
tedinvestsinyou But since the earth spins counterclockwise or west to east probably the water would flow off the disk to the west .. that's my final answer
tedinvestsinyou I'm sure my answer is wrong and there is probably an answer relating to the fact that the earth is spinning on its axis .. so probably towards the equator
baby_deer74 Radially
mattbrochue It would pool in the center
spaghetti_cheekz Check your pantZ