... I'm using this gent's 6.5G review to revisit Todd Hodnett's "Minus 200 Rule. The man says with his new 6.5 Grendel (ammo unknown) at 600 yards, he held 4.5 mils. That's a 1/2 Mil higher than the 6.5CM/260 Rem requires. Makes sense, except ammo is unknown 🤷 Discuss 🎯 ML ... (P.S. Todd Hodnett's "Subtract 2 Rule = Subtract 2 rule of thumb hold-over formula i.e. rangefinder says 600 yards - 2 = 400 = 4.0 mil holdover)
456 likesslow2ndrow Is there a waiting list for the next run of 6.5G rifles or is it first come/first served kinda deal?
mxspam7 Any eta on handgaurds
the_dumb_jock I love the little tidbits of information in these unassuming posts. What I want to know is if the "subtract 2" rule is for any round or specifically the 6.5/260? Or is it like wind values on a tremor reticle, where the value is known for each dot (mil)? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @the_dumb_jock ... Stuff with trajectories similar to the 6.5/260's trajectory 2 likes
roofkorean92 Can't wait! Got my tracking # already!!
trapshootb My
croakvan Sounds like Wolf 100gr to me. :)
Just kidding, though that Wolf 100gr doesn't suck, I've got a freezer full of pig thanks to it. 1 like
james_siler Email said order complete. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get a tracking #. Thanks La Rue! 👍👍clus
houston.burnett The most shocking part about this is that the guy found ammo. 😂