... "Perhaps the finest machining I've seen in any firearm. Downright opulent." - comment & photo by mfingar
1,273 likesjosh.sedlock @laruetactical 😍 I want. Been holding a small fortune waiting for the day...
wmelbgator 🧡
korobob Beautifull🤘😎
hillviewfarmpollok @laruetactical are there any plans to offer a left hand version? 2 likes
skullduggerous_pirate @mssmirke
shqype_ Incredible. 2 likes
sregory @boogieman84 1 like
rafaelisawesome Now to impatiently wait for pricing Lol
msvizzero @fillamus
schubert189 Will just the actions be available?
2tirefryer @urthatguy thoughts on this?
gusgonzalez @tejasprecisionshooter 1 like
bennyeff yes please! 1 like
stevenmcclay6921 I love it! Will the rifle barrel be easily changed without machining ? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @stevenmcclay6921 ... Yes. And we're great at hitting the perfect headspace numbers. ML 5 likes
  -  jollygreen182 @stevenmcclay6921 yep, just like we were promised predatOBR barrels in different calibers would be available.
jtwendel02 Sign me up!
bigbrassenergy Sexy AF😍
gblara @duke_1911 💥🙌🏿 1 like
mikehunt111222333 Can I get it with a geissele trigger? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mikehunt111222333 .... Yeah, bend over. 8 likes
marzrod29 🧡
purtle84 @leviticus_90 Holy shit. 1 like
scott.mullen73 Is that a Timmeny trigger on that top action???
phil.thompson.140 I want! When?
scottdonn1 Correct me if I'm wrong but that is not a Winchester safety? It appears from the pic that it works front to back and does revolve behind
esqphoto mfingar sure knows his stuff. ☝ 1 like
i_am_the_fos You're a bigger tease than my wife. 😂 3 likes
akscott60 Hell yea
trapshootb "YEPPERS " 👀 ME LIKES....IT..👍👍
markfingar Beautiful job. There's going to be a lot of happy people soon. 👍 4 likes
treylillich Beautiful!
tspain57 That is perfection ! 1 like
e.pr92 What are these things? 2 likes
  -  _saltymedic_ @e.rice92 These are short actions for building a precision rifle. Add a stock, a barrel, a scope and maybe a bi-pod and you have yourself a rifle that can reach out and touch stuff a long long way off. 2 likes
  -  5dtactical @e.rice92 a two lug Remington 700 action with a Timney trigger
  -  laruetactical @5dtactical ... Nope, it's not a 700, as a 700 doesn't have a safety because a 700's safety is in it's trigger - ML 4 likes
  -  drwellhead @laruetactical best of both worlds! 1 like
mason__helms @pjs_shiesty25
drewboooooo @l
kernsy71 Those are beautiful!
drewboooooo @laruetactical have you already stated a price? I don't keep up on arfcom like I should
thiswildadventure Beautiful! Love the contrasting colors. 1 like
briarbfirearms Gorgeous. Let me get one with a Woodstock 3 likes
briarbfirearms @allisondawn you know how you asked me what I want for my birthday? May have found it 1 like
gunsandsharpthings They look excellent. 2 likes
holsterco_llc 🧡
kevinmichael_67 Nice 1 like
def3va You guys have a precision in your photography that equals the precision in each LaRue Tactical part, piece and firearm. Your superior presentation only heightens my desire to add the Siete to my stable of LT weapons. LaRue Tactical is the "Precision of Innovation." 3 likes
j_frank24_ Soon.... 2 likes
david57747 What is the estimated price of a barrelled action or just the action by its self 1 like
bigjoncardell Looks fantastic. I'm certain it will be worth the wait. Perfection takes time.