... 17" Siete, 7.62, 168g FGMM. Broken-in per instructions in my July 22nd post. Shoots factory ammo 1/2" at 100 yards 🎯 ML
157 likesmp2day My Larue t'OBR 7.62 shoots almost 1/2" with FGMM SMK's when I do my part.
stumpwso @laruetactical what would you consider to be the 'best' 7.62 barrel length with the trade off of portability v performance for a Jack of all Trades AR10 or Siete?
joseph5myers Mark, your barrel break in procedure was listed in the July 12th post when you were showing the Speedy made bench rest rifle you had acquired. Not July 22nd, as not as I could find.
  -  laruetactical @joseph5myers ... Ugh, I'd screw up a Russian rock fight 😎
  -  joseph5myers @laruetactical I understand, used to be able to sit through a 2 hour long mission brief and remember grid coordinates, times, call signs, radio frequencies and the like and repeat them back like a court reporter when asked! Now when I leave one room to go to another I frequently forgot what I was going to the other room for by the time I get there. I blame chronic long term exposure to Sarin nerve agent during Desert Storm but I have also consumed a small amount of Jack Daniels in the last 38 years.🤔 2 likes
  -  jeremaster @laruetactical it is on the July 22nd. Post You have to scroll through the pictures to see the 2 page process break down. It is in the post on the 12th also just not as detailed as the 22nd post.
texan.right Can't wait... my loads will have fun with this! Hell every one of your rifles and barrel upgrades I've bought have been impressive
458lottfan 18" is my favorite 5.56/.223 & .308 Win barrel length. Good balance for velocity and length with my suppressor.