... I was searching for something else and this blast from the past popped up. Long since put on the back burner, it's still sorta/kinda cool. Years ago, we did get one or two odd special-request gov't orders for them ... they wanted them without any markings. Perhaps they private labeled them with cool logos or something. We set it aside because AKs were dimensionally all over the map and that clashed with our OCD. ML
584 likesamylynnwv ooooh man.
mgorman888 What would it take for you to bring them back into production? 1 like
stephentemple5876 I'm not an AK person, but I've always wanted a rear sight fixture mounted red dot on an SKS and always wondered if these could work.
bradhudson Ive got one of these! 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @bradhudson ... Does it still work ?!?! 4 likes
  -  bradhudson @laruetactical works like a charm. I have just the mount with a fast fire 3 attached and i had to cut a notch in the hood to access the power button 3 likes
masonwilhelmy I'd buy one! 1 like
jasonk7474 I'm feeling old I remember that when that add first came out. 4 likes
wickwire9 I would like to have one myself !! 👍
mattmulholand More like "kalashed with your OCD", amirite? 8 likes
a556nato That's a nice dong
wyatt.carson Mine still works 1 like
eichner_kev I would definitely drop in on one for round 2! 🤘🏼 1 like
whyintheworldamidoingthis So I'm pretty sure my email helped inspire this, I originally asked you to make a Ak side mount that utilized the existing optics rail for an aimpoint to co-witness saying "if you make this everyone would buy it" I think that idea fell through but in directly led to this idea instead.... 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @whyintheworldamidoingthis ... I still have a thousand/thousands of those AK side mounts that I planned on doing something with some day. 5 likes
def3va Only one person in the shop with OCD. 😂
casadenewman I'll take two. Haha. But seriously.
dune_shoot I have one of those AK red dot mount, love it!
pushisgrumpy I really wished that would have fit my AK. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @pushisgrumpy ... Should'a hit with your big purse. 2 likes
  -  pushisgrumpy @laruetactical pretty sure I woulda needed yours..
  -  laruetactical @pushisgrumpy ... You're right, a man's gotta know his limitations.
  -  pushisgrumpy @laruetactical yep. Still a shame the AK is all over the map.
  -  laruetactical @pushisgrumpy ... Had I known then that 90% of the AR market was headed for AK accuracy ... 7 likes
twerkderken Always thought these were badass. Never got a chance to get my hands on one
bullyvet Attero arms ended making a similar mount.
  -  laruetactical @bullyvet ... "Ended" as in quit doing it ?
  -  bullyvet @laruetactical ended up. Damn autocorrect
  -  laruetactical @bullyvet ... Oh, they copied me ✅ 1 like
  -  bullyvet @laruetactical don't know but they continue to produce the product
cpl0313 I had one on back order for years before my old account was closed.
bullyvet They still make them. I love mine
the.arctic.atlas Any idea on restock of the SureFire SOCOM 3 prong flash hider, suppressor adapter? I ordered it and didn't realize it was a backorder, just curious when I can expect it with everything going on 1 like
  -  laruetactical @the.arctic.atlas ... No idea and everyone's snowed under. The streets are awash in bare naked rifles needing accessories. 3 likes
  -  the.arctic.atlas @laruetactical sad days indeed