An old paperweight that's been on my desk for years - ML
325 likesk_bash88 Unfinished 1911 slide?
david.r.farrar if you build these again, I'll be forced to buy one. 6 likes
krisjagdeo @laruetactical it's time 4 likes
spectrebravo If you build it they will come @laruetactical 3 likes
japheth_sims Definitely put me in for a build!
230grainhardball And don't forget the Bovak rear sight... 1 like
whitefang721 We all know you can't make a 1911 Mark. 😏 5 likes
jf_shooter Can you believe some people actually carry those paperweights in a holster, WITH BULLETS? You're doing it right. 3 likes
kyle_brooks_ That looks like a standard cleaning at @friscogunclub
preston2986 Do it
mikeseverydayinsta Little Rocket Man don't even Bluff that much anymore #fakenews
mrdrewchandler Sprinkle on some of that ground up unicorn horn dust, then replicate and sell to some little birds. 1 like
def3va Come on Mark, add in some of those small 1911 parts you used to make in the day!