... Has Shotshow been hacked ??? ML
280 likesjtaylor I didn't realize Biden already won the election and canceled anything relating to fun and 2nd amendment 7 likes
freedom_general Fucking libs 🙄 1 like
topshotdustin Verified 😲 1 like
mayorofriverbluffrd Not hacked, it's canceled.
drickvalsky It's ridiculous they have canceled this. You want me to tell you why the 2nd amendment is really in jeopardy. Because the gun community are supposed to the be protectors of the 2nd. The sheep dogs. But what I see is they are mostly just sheep. The mask cooperation has proved it. The 2nd amendment community should be the ones anti mask. But they are all gladly wearing because.... wait for it.... the government told them to. So they simply complied. Someone told them to and they did. Rolled straight over with out doing an once of research or applying any logic. The gun community has shown me how soft they actually are during this years mandates and ordinances. Complied like a bunch of trained sheep. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @drickvalsky ... Actually the Shotshow Flu is an annual thing. No reason to think Covid was going to be the nice version of it. Plus big tradeshows like Comdex (?) cancelled already, Shotshow held out for a lot longer.
  -  drickvalsky @laruetactical It's just the straw that broke the camels back for me and made the vent.
  -  todd.ritz @drickvalsky 5.11 specifically (who I presume caters/appeals to cops and mil, former and current) has implemented their OWN mask mandate in all their stores, just going along with 'ol Joe and perpetuating the fear. Happy to say I will NEVER do business with them. 1 like
thedollarsportsman Not a fun thing to hear on A Friday, though we were afraid that would happen.
def3va Sad, but you can focus on filling orders while saving $50K 1 like
foundersphotography_idaho Your new world. Brought to you by the US Media and Dems. Live in a bubble and in fear for your lives foreverrrrrrrrrrr! Ahhhhhhhhhh. 1 like
ncdonnybrasco @dblrr24 .... boooooooo
billgoclowski_arg1 sad
markfingar 🔥
lasortem That socks. Rescheduled I hope.
black.wolf.armory Interesting we can have riots, political rallies, major chain stores, and malls open, but let's not celebrate a 2A event shameful. 1 like
treylillich This has got to be BS
  -  laruetactical @treylillich ... It's not BS, it's officially canceled. The joke is they've been saying ... "The Show Must Go On" 2 likes
  -  treylillich @laruetactical I guess the Wuhan got them all skart
icecoldmn Guess I may just have to order up a new LaRue rifle with the cash I just saved,the question is what are you going to do with this years Dillos?😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... Yeah, damn, you just reminded me. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... Only 233 likes so far ... the votes are in - nobody gives an elk scat. 1 like
rbrooks954 👍
red_dirt_cyclist Move the Shot Show to a gun friendly State! I never understood why it was in Nevada! Las Vegas is uninteresting and WAY too expensive!
travis.tripodi Soooo can you get me a 2021 shot show dillo? 😂
duckhnt But.... But....the Dillos?!?! What about the Dillos?
terryccason #shotshowwascancelledandalligotwasthislousydillo
  -  terryccason Seriously, some of us are gonna go into dillo withdrawal if we don't get a SHOT '21!