... Your Fall reading assignment. Speaking of blundering around, I blundered into this bin of pilot books. "Last of the Bush Pilots" is a "hang on by the seat of your pants" wild ride. Dramamine recommended. Thanks in advance for posting your favorite aviation books 🛫 ML
329 likesj_frank24_ Add "Bent Props & Blow Pots" and "A Sigh for a Merlin" to your list. Neither of them lend themselves to being put down. 1 like
505machinist You need to check out. "In Harms Way". 2 likes
fullbore115b Mark I was a 3rd Generation Naval Aviator, and read a lot of aviation books. "My Secret War" by A-1 pilot Richard Drury is my favorite. It's a must read imo. Also "My Logbook" by Gunther Rall is amazing. 2 likes
keyspeed09 I wonder if everyone stacks their bullets with books? 1 like
sukdriver "Gods of Tin" is a good one, hiding at the bottom there. 2 likes
mlnorth.oh Fate is the Hunter, E.K. Gann 1 like
mlnorth.oh Stranger to the Ground, R. Bach 1 like
billsnearly Skunk Works. 1 like
betheabstract "Tex Johnson Jet-Age Test Pilot" One incredible individual!! 1 like
  -  betheabstract @betheabstract Johnston. My apologies for autocorrect.
prodog102 🔥Sled Driver... I've only read excerpts but they were awesome. I can't justify the price of the book. 1 like
mkillerbee I just read Chickenhawk for the umpteenth time. First time was 30+ years ago before I went to Ft Rucker for US Army flight school. 1 like
adealvarez63 "Damned to Glory" by Col Robert L Scott 1 like
crush_in Are you able to say what your current wait times are for the MBT 2s Straight or Curved? 1 like
mark_morzov Yeager, his autobiography 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mark_morzov .. Yep, I read it and loved it. And the sidebars by fellow pilots. ML 2 likes
joeski556 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=763914227308454 1 like
julesthrillers Do you collect pilot oriented books? I live in an area that is upper middle class and they have real libraries in their homes. I sometimes find really nice collector items for $.50. I'm trained as historian and read everything. Especially ones that could be used for referencing. Those are kind I want to preserve for historic values. I've gifted a couple to Jack Carr as they were about Mogadishu, written by SEAL and Benghazi's 13 hours, signed by 3 of 5 survivors of original CIA protective team. I have now a text by an Orr Kelly, a defense correspondent, author on Spec Ops.Did 4 previous works, two on history of SEALs.1996, titled FROM A DARK SKY, the story of US Air Force Special Operations. Want to say I think your background is one of Special Forces.would you be interested in owning it? Want it to go to someone who could appreciate its value. I'm an old lady, working on clearing 18 yrs of accumulation. Would you be interested? This guy has the military connections to write something like this. Let me know. I discovered folks can leave messages on Instagram On Twitter also Julie Watson 1 like
  -  laruetactical @julesthrillers ... Yes ma'am, I am very much interested. My email is Mark@LaRue.com 📖
peterhaessler Add "Whistling Death" and "The Few" 1 like