... A rifle will shoot 3/4" at 100 yards with ammo that has an all- over-the-map S.D. (Standard Deviation). But when that ammo sails past 500 yards, it starts falling to earth at different rates, blowing groups all to hell. Trust the science 😎 ML
2,542 likessmke42 Thought I ducked at shooting as my rounds at 1000 were all over the place. Thankfully ran into an engineer in the prs world randomly (not even near a range), and he helped me to get better ammo and dial myself in! 2 likes
yumyum11884 100 round bursts show what the gunner is capable of. 2 likes
charliesclones And at 1,800 yards, trust the scope 😂. Sounds like an ammo opportunity for Austin Precision Ammunition, in those niche calibers you shoot so well. ✅ 4 likes
defensesolutionsllc One of the only science I trust 😝😝👊😝😝
accuracy1st We see it all the time. A gun May group super well at 100 and then we true it at trans and it's all over the place. We can find MV ES and SD issues with a chrono and it's easy to do the math to show what the group would be at distance. But shooting thru a Doppler we now can see the bullet BC sd variation can have another huge component for groups at distance. Something we had now way of seeing in the past. 18 likes
  -  c12dg_llc @accuracy1st Preach. Seen doppler verified drop in BC from burned out barrels too!
  -  cjrollins7 @accuracy1st what are MV, ES, and SD?
  -  laruetactical @cjrollins7 ... I'm not TH ... MV = Muzzle Velocity, ES = Extreme Spread, and SD = Standard Deviation. "Trans" = transonic, i.e. dropping out of warp 5 likes
  -  cjrollins7 @laruetactical thank you!!
  -  klatre.fabriken @laruetactical If your rifle is set up well you can actually test that with m80 and m118.
  -  carlkalamon @accuracy1st @laruetactical Nerds. I love it.
superstol50 Sooooo true....
alabama_reloader 👏
wet_neck_67 Amen.
theamazingbluff Both show what YOURE capable of
jrpizor The arrow is only as accurate as the Indian.
curtismcdan 2 mile groups don't exist.
gunners_mate_guns Mind blown...
americanroninllc Have becoming keenly aware of this issue shooting 375CT well past 1000. SD/ES is a key element to master in loading and load development before going long.
willduffy85 🧡👏🔥
instabanned0889 I would say 1000 yard groups are what the weapon system is capable of. Optic, ammunition, rifle, shooter.
sbash001 How do I go about getting my ES and SD down? I have 2 RCBS electronic powder measures and I measure every charge, I use Lapua brass, match primers, but I can't get my ES and SD down into single digits or even low double digits
  -  laruetactical @sbash001 ... Might be a neck tension issue.
  -  jmhill_2469 @sbash001 consistency is key. Could be a neck tension as he stated. Could also be base to ogive (seating depth) annealing the brass. A lot of variables. Check out Erick cortina non YouTube.
_capt_obvious So many handloaders don't invest in good chronos and all they're doing is wasting time. So much can be learned about your ammo
  -  kralynthomas @_capt_obvious MagnetoSpeed V3 is my choice.
  -  _capt_obvious I have a LabRadar and it's awesome. The knly drawback is the 3900fps max. So I have to steal my buddy's Magneto for 22-250 and 204
  -  kralynthomas @_capt_obvious I've never use LabRadar but I've heard great things from other owners as well. May have to be my Christmas present to myself.😂 1 like
  -  _capt_obvious You won't regret it 1 like
thatguy775702 Annnnd the shooter 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @thatguy775702 ... Nope, shooter already proved he can shoot 3/4 moa at 100, and the Egyptians proved 3/4 moa means 3/4 moa to infiinity. 🤷 35 likes
  -  cobrajack @laruetactical Maybe I'm observing different things but 100yds at a bench in ideal conditions where shooters demonstrate their abilities or lack of. It's a sterile environment where you can place another shooter in their place, changing a single variable. Groups suddenly shrink.
  -  laruetactical @cobrajack ... Way off topic, you changed the shooter. 2 likes
  -  kilburnc @laruetactical mmm I'm going to disagree with this one. I've been to some long range schools in my day. I've seen people who can shoot sub moa at 300 and then the 500 drop and can never master shooting past 500 to even hit a grand, nonetheless group.
  -  laruetactical @kilburnc ... This thread has nothing to do with shooting technique. 2 likes
bollman13 @cbiddy5 1 like
  -  cbiddy5 @bollman13 absofreakinglutely
drewgrand123_my What's your go to .22 cal bullet for 500 yards plus ?? @laruetactical
  -  _capt_obvious @drewgrand123_my .308😂 2 likes
  -  twestypdx @drewgrand123_my 77gr SMK BTHP, Lapua Brass, Federal Match Primers & BLC-(2). The 14.5 Costa Edition 556 that @laruetactical made for me will hammer 2/3 silhouettes all day long well beyond 500 yards. 1 like
  -  drewgrand123_my @twestypdx thank you