... To answer the age-old question ... yes, the Sika chili will have beans 😎 ML
489 likesicecoldmn All chili should have beans, otherwise it is just sauce. 😂
brewin4melife How do you like the vudu? I have the 5-25 on my AR-10. Got it because of it's length so I could run with a PVS-27 clip on. I like the optic, not a fan of the zoom with the issue of getting caps. But that's my only complaint.
458_socalm Cause it's chili not chili sauce!! haha 1 like
highbrassoutdoors why the beans? not enough meat on her?
digelm As it should! 3 likes
topshotdustin Verified Really want a Seite for deer season 😍 6 likes
- bill9mill @topshotdustin 👏 -me three!!! 😂
- larasthename @topshotdustin Dustin, how you been man? John from Meopta here. 1 like
- topshotdustin Verified @larasthename dude! Been a while! Still good man. Still running Meoptas for @marksmanshipcamp !