... Gonna bag an Axis hard horned buck tomorrow ... quick, name that scope mount 💃💃💃 ML
499 likesj_frank24_ Well it says 840 but I'll call it Steve. 5 likes
  -  redoak.sooner @j_frank24_ "Oh great and powerful Steve!" 1 like
gsprague Need more mounts with 35mm rings 1 like
bmayes425 Good luck tomorrow!!
jtaylor LT840 with a Vudu 5x25 1 like
green_flash762 I'd love to buy one!
realmda13 I get a big raise or a bonus any time soon, I know what Ike getting... 1 like
the_damo_257 On a serious note...can you give a very short report on hunting with the Eotech, please sir. I want one and I am not good at pulling the trigger. So to speak.
  -  arndomshot @the_damo_257 I have a 3.5-18 vudu and it's flat out great. No complaints 1 like
longrangesurfer Could've used mine this past weekend!
dsaints95 LT840H 1 like
harubindanny LT 840H-34? 😂 2 likes
dwr61 Some call it LT 840H blah blah blah, just call it BA (badass).
jessehatfield1013 Looks like the mounts that came out with that first run of FDE Heavy Tars back in the day....but what do I know