... Just in case their was trouble ... I brought that 22-250 home with me last night. Along with two boxes of that BlackHills 50g ammo 😎 ML
659 likesa556nato I should've bought the Tranquilo back when I bought the gun 😢. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @a556nato ... Yep. 1 like
voodoo13fox Love the 22-250 great round easy to load for too 2 likes
laruetactical @icecoldmn ... Don't get me to lyin' ... use common sense. 1 like
lmikem99 Is the 223 tranquilo good for 22 250?
andy.chavers TranQuilo makes everything sexy🔥🔥 1 like
icecoldmn Since you shoot way more than me, is there ever a need to clean a tranquillo? If so how?
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... Stand it up muzzle down in a chopped-off 1-liter coke bottle and fill the bottle to an inch below the serial number with CLR. Let 'er soak. 3 likes
  -  icecoldmn @laruetactical is this every 5k rounds?weather needed or not or longer? I have 4 of these great suppressors but so far only about 1k thru each. The great thing about them is the poi change is the same no matter witch one I grab no need to keep track of them by gun 2 likes
j.shelton126 🧡
jmguill22 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
keyspeed09 Every groundhogs nightmare
mike_swanson_92 How bad is the waitlist for a tranquilo can nowadays?
  -  laruetactical @mike_swanson_92 ... Dunno, but those that have one (or more) of the small quantity we've made over the years seem to be well pleased with them😎 3 likes
  -  texash17 @mike_swanson_92 mine took like 6 months to ship. 1 like
  -  twojsdad @mike_swanson_92 9 months to ship for my two, then 454 days for stamps. I ordered back when I bought my UUKs. 1 like