... And this amazing pic by mfingar tells the "rest of the story" - ML
903 likeskernsy71 Amazing 🔥
jroymurray How much 😂 1 like
kevinmichael_67 Thanks Paul Harvey 1 like
topshotdustin Verified 😍😍😍 2 likes
gunsandsharpthings @mbradburn15 1 like
motocycleman12 Whalen and how much. 1 like
specialagentman @laruetactical how easy will the barrel change be? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @specialagentman ... Damn easy, but not so easy you'll be wanting to change it in the drive-thru line at Arby's - ML 7 likes
  -  specialagentman @laruetactical what's the weight like on the 24"? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @specialagentman ... Dunno. But I do know that a Kestrel doesn't care about barrel lengths ;-) ML 9 likes
  -  specialagentman @laruetactical lol fair enough
  -  maxm1040 @laruetactical so this is more for precision than hunting?
mclfarmsnm Enough teasing already, when can we buy one? 1 like
mhp_warlock I'm just waiting to hear what price they're going to start at, definitely a nice looking rifle. 2 likes
robwalker666 I'm ready
phil.thompson.140 That dog will hunt!
maxm1040 What's the weight of the Siete in 6.5CM? Thanks! 1 like
ranchlifebama When will they appear on your website?us 🤙🏽
stephencrews Weight weight weight. All you internet ninjas need to come up with something new to ask about. 1 like
nay_riles89 @laruetactical are you guys going to offer a stand alone chassis system or only a complete gun?
canemovium What is rail MOA on the Siete?
  -  laruetactical @canemovium ... Parallel to the runway - ML