Stay tuned for mfingar's masterpiece theater - ML
954 likeswhatarewedo1ng How quiet is the safety lever when switching to fire? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @_cars_be_broke_ ... It's intentionally damn quiet ... I doubled up on my hearing aid batteries and still can't hear it. ML 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @_cars_be_broke_ ... All funnin' aside, we put a lot of effort into that safety. It's paddle can be gripped with thumb and forefinger and "set" forward without a sound. ML 6 likes
baumdiggity27 @johnmanlysmith
topshotdustin Verified Dibs on the shorty! 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @topshotdustin ... Consider it done :-) 1 like
roy_mcneill U get done messing around and start taking orders I'm ready to go. 1 like
mykee_eyles Mark, I read about your rifles in one of my favourite zombie book series. Been obsessed ever since. As I live in Australia could never pick one up, but I hope this rifle will be allowed for import. Love it. I shoot with some ex Aussie special forces guys 1 like
mr_fullmetal @laruetactical is there a preorder list for this? Very interested and I can put a deposit if needed. 1 like
him72984 I want one. I have zero experience with bolt actions. I want this one.
merlin_actual .300 win mag ??? 2 likes
sakurariverhouse Looking more enticing every day. Well done Team LaRue!
jskaminski Outstanding 1 like
mrdrewchandler 🤯
venomfirearmsimaging Forgive me if someone else has asked but do you see potential for a side-folding stock? 1 like
hawkeye_mmco Does Dibs on the longie!! 😁
japheth_sims Woa. The versatility has just occurred to me. Game changer right here!
79.lone.wolf.one Shorty with SURG brake plz
swartzy4816 🤤🤤
ecar_tx Pretty sure I need both.
csolstice032018 What's the minimum length of pull with one of your receiver extensions?
sergio_o19 😍😍
philly_phil___ @billwalsh26 see?
limeswire Numbers 22 and 23 id guess
josh.macintyre Major want 🔥
mikeb945 Nice bolt action pistol you have there. Reminds me of my Anshutz Exemplar Hornet.😜
matta2662 Still waiting for the glorious wood stock Siete pics. 1 like
collins9678 Little too much barrel showing ... need some Real Estate for bipod to be further away from chasis 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @collins9678 ... I shot it. It's way more than fine. Hacksaw some barrel off until you're happy. ML 8 likes
mr.jayyy31 What's the mission concept for this rifle?
  -  laruetactical @mr.jayyy31 ... To hit shit. ML 29 likes
  -  meikol2 @laruetactical that was the funniest thing I have read today. 👌 1 like
  -  mr.jayyy31 @laruetactical I don't get it, but hey good luck with that!👍🏽
  -  laruetactical @mr.jayyy31 ... No luck needed, just good ammo. ML 5 likes
  -  mr.jayyy31 @laruetactical Are you the guy who rights all the tough guy one liners on the T-Shirts? Lol good lord man. Carried by 6 than judge by 12, stay strapped or get clapped, followed by a quote from the movie "300" while wearing an American flag then screaming " These colors dont run". 90% of your wardrobe consist of under armor, ranger up and affliction. Lol
  -  deandalapanda @mr.jayyy31 says the guy with a profile picture of the "joker".... get the fuuuuuh out of here lol
  -  laruetactical @mr.jayyy31 ... Says the guy that started off with a one liner. You don't seem to get that this ain't ARFcom GD, it's MarkCom SPD (Special Products Division). Here on MarkCom, I got both keys to the ban trigger and I can reach far enough to turn them both at once. And I'll sleep fine tonight with 21,799 followers. ML 26 likes
  -  mr.jayyy31 @laruetactical knock yourself out killer. For the record, my initial question was legitimate. I was truly curious what was the concept behind your rifle build. I'll save you the effort of hitting the band button... I'll remove myself. Thanks
  -  realmda13 @mr.jayyy31 is a BOT 1 like
  -  mr.jayyy31 @realmda13 Yup I'm a BOT with access to you're bower history now realmda.... you're into some weird shit brother!
  -  g.in.mt @laruetactical in before the ban...
  -  laruetactical @greg.mcdonnell ... It ain't a Saturday Night Special 1 like
johnny_rebel_88 I want!!!
nelson_shooting_concepts @laruetactical how you going To attach a bipod with such a short rail?
  -  laruetactical @nelson_shooting_concepts ... go back a few Instagrams - ML 3 likes
  -  nelson_shooting_concepts @laruetactical what happens when I want to mount my lights, lasers, and nightvision. I will need a longer handguard with shooting from usual positions because I don't want the barrel pressed against the barrier. I'm hoping for more rail or handguard 😉 2 likes
  -  mason__helms @pjs_shiesty25
specialagentman ML, what weight can we expect for 24" long action? 1 like
jasonk7474 That pistol version just got me tingly.. #innovation 2 likes
gusgonzalez @tejasprecisionshooter 1 like
themachinegunnest 🔥Fire
mtn_breed Excellent work, absolutely beautiful.
j.d.mcbee Add a Law Tactical folder and stick it all in your pocket. That is sweet @laruetactical !!
800mzero wood stock?? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @800mzero ... See post above you. Can't mount a much needed wood chipper onto a wood stock. ;-) 1 like