... Go to Colion Noir's IG page and watch his FBI data post. @colionnoir ... Years ago I read that the anti-AR push was to keep retiring / exiting warfighters from having access to what they had in the service. The plan was a long term decrease in firearms interest. The thought being if they couldn't own what they know, they won't bother with Boomer/Fudd stuff. Anyhow, go look at Noir's post ... it's a few posts back, so scroll down to find it 💥 ML
1,389 likesbillsnearly Are we going to be limited to a 10-knife storage block? Can't have those high-capacity knife blocks out there! 1 like
alexh762x39 This man speaks the truth 🙌 1 like
james_siler 👍👍clus
amills3428 I know this wasn't the point of the post, but please support organizations like FPC and GOA, not the NRA.
turtle_d115 And Bare hand murders are second place
whatarewedo1ng He's a good dude.
armcore762 Go ahead and sue the knife manufacturer. 😂
buckeye_67 We just need to stop pretending that the reason they're pushing gun control is to reduce crime.
eadie.steve No one I know thinks it's about safety. I wonder when they are going to start requiring micro stamping on sharpening stones…
keithleedstrom AND they have been around A WHOLE LOT FREAKIN LONGER!!!! But we know its not the firearm or edged item thats the problem!!!
aaron_at_i When is HI-Point going to release a shotgun that fires knives 🧐
honcho_allen Colion just publicaly challeneged Beto to a gun debate. I hope we get to see this 🍿
race_bannon3 The reality is, they're going to change that truth to fit their "truth"
jfpvh Well people like us already knew that it's just like how many kids drowning in pools in a summer 🧐☕☕us us
davis_metal_works Probably gonna have background checks for kitchen knives now
bill_stranix I'm still waiting for the tim k/colion butt phuking video. 🤡😖
craigs_guns.n.grub Yeah, but the knives aren't killing affluent white children. That's the only group that matters. Even if Joe Biden did say that poor kids are just as smart as white kids. /s
sandy_dog_09 Someone once said that only in a knife fight does the winner die the next day in the hospital.
legionpreparedness This has been known be law enforcement, the FBI, BATFE, gov, & left-wing stalinist mainstream media for decades. Nevermind that knives are used 5 times as much as rifles in homicides, (and blunt objects, fists, or feet used more often than rifles for that matter). The real reason for the unreasonable, unscientific demands is they know what Colonel Jeff Cooper knew: ""In fact, it is the only means of resisting tyranny, since a citizenry armed with rifles simply cannot be tyrannized.""
pawpawlammy Ban assault knives. Nobody needs anything other than a butter knife and safety scissors. For humanity save us!
cameronshadron It's not about safety, it's about control. Period.
hellrieger Hate to break it to everyone; these f'ers would ban knives too. It is far down the list