... Ha, I solo'd on 9/18/2000. On that flight, front left window went overboard ... meh, best ventilation. It was a hot Texas day then as it is today. Anyhow, here's my flying story. In elementary school, I sold the most chicken dinner tickets and won an airplane flight. Years later a mailman left a box at my machine shop that was addressed to a local aircraft shop. I saw the word aircraft and said I'd take that box to him. That day I got talked into buying the Navion in the pic, which I still own, and learned to fly in. I figure I got 1,500ish hours and 3,000ish landings in her. Yeah, turns out it's complex high performance. Didn't know that was a thing at the time I bought it and never noticed it ... and 20 years later I've only flown retract. "I got 3 green lights and I'm on the main tank". Oh yeah, I'm solo landing on the numbers ... you can see the paint in front of me - ML
618 likesabelcompanyarms That's awesome. I just did my first solo flight a couple months ago.
billhouston4241 Gangster.
stevenmcclay6921 I have a friend that is 36 years old and today driving along he said he wanted to get Open Water certified. I told him my one training regret was not learning to fly. I hope I planted a seed...congratulations on 20 years of safe flying.
meatsweatsmike My Brother bought a Aeronca Champ this year and has about 2 more hours to go.. Permission to buzz the tower, ML? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @meatsweatsmike ... Permission always granted, and downwind low passes preferred, cause we love ground speed us 4 likes
  -  meatsweatsmike @laruetactical 😁
frederickcarpenter Pretty cool story!
wrcseibert @laruetactical ppl checkride on Tuesday. So you're saying it's not so big a deal to jump to complex hp? Appreciate buying from aviation minded firearms industry member 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @wrcseibert ... I've never done the "jump" to CHP, as I started there.
  -  n.toungate @wrcseibert i started in 172, then went straight to beech debonair (complex & HP) while still finishing my PPL, minus the faster acceleration and approach speeds wasnt too much different 1 like
  -  wrcseibert @laruetactical fair enough, thanks for the input
  -  wrcseibert @n.toungate much appreciated. I am very interested in xc flight Beechcraft 33 or 35s seem like a fantastic option
  -  j_frank24_ @wrcseibert No, it's not a big deal at all so long as you follow the proper procedures. Personally I've never understood the "high performance" endorsement. Have fun with it!
davidsomewhere Good action shot.
sir_wyatt_of_carlsbad My dad has flown fixed wing for over 40 yrs and rotorcraft for 20 yrs. I never had the urge to fly until my daughter was born and wished I could take her up like my dad did when I was a kid. So at 34 yrs old I got my helicopter PPL. I have my instrument check ride in a few weeks and then I will finish up my commercial and CFI. Someday I will add on a fixed wing rating as well. 1 like
rcflyer40t That's badass! I'd fly with ya anytime.
crppilot Just saw a Navion, in Conroe a few days ago. I've seen it there a few times, I think it's based there. Cool paint scheme, never flown one but it looks fun. ML, I'm based in Corpus, if you ever head south, I'll buy lunch 1 like
  -  laruetactical @crppilot ... I used to fly into Montgomery County often to see a customer that built aluminum torpedo racks. I was machining several of their components back then.
pylot2b That had to make for an interesting solo! I think I soloed in 2002. 18 yrs later I just got typed rated in a 777. 5th type rating. Can't believe it's been 18 yrs already.
  -  pylot2b @pylot2b And on a non aviation note I discovered one of your triggers in a random drawer in my laundry room! Think I hid it in there last minute when I was heading out for a trip! Completely forgot about it! Christmas in October!
  -  laruetactical @pylot2b ... In a 777 ... wow, I was thinking the other day how different the view must look like from way up there should the.flight attendant ever yell "Is anyone a pilot ?" 1 like
  -  pylot2b @laruetactical Luckily no flight attendants! I'm in the relaxed world of flying boxes!
evanhailey76 That's so cool! As a fellow aviator, I enjoy seeing other people in the industry and share a similar passion
bigwig_ra66it Even though I don't play guitar as much anymore. I should still probably stay out of small aircraft. 😏