Ye ol' Christmas Dillos making their way through the shop. ML #larue #laruetactical #dillos #christmas #staytuned
737 likesmesooohoppy I love the green one I have. Need moar!
gunsandsharpthings Got myself a red one from 2007 in my collection.😊
  -  duckhnt @gunsandsharpthings you should let me know how much you need to rehome that one
  -  gunsandsharpthings @duckhnt It's used man, it's opened many brews over the years. Didn't know they'd ever be worth anything
kameronallison Primed up is my guess
rusty_keyboard Make the Christmas Dillo a nolo dillo. You want one, you donate $50. 2 likes
juliarunstheultraworld @laruetactical can't wait to see the 2018 color. I have my "free roaming" dillos and my "caged" dillos 😎😎😎
  -  seifer39 @juliarunstheworld 2018 color must be is 2008 color, like 2007 and 2017 1 like
  -  juliarunstheultraworld @seifer39 what do you think the color is? I don't remember what 2008 was 😁
dreauxmire That would go great with a Siete!
wardjm1 Super excited to put another Dillo on the tree this year.
duckhnt Can't wait!
freakinout Sweet baby J
tx51210 A treat since the beginning. Hard to believe over a decade of Christmas Dillos 2 likes
gearrunner I have a few of those 👍
brad_trittipo I must need to order more @laruetactical gear. I haven't received one in a long time.
terryccason 11 dillos on my tree last Christmas ('07-'17), this year there will be an even dozen.
jesslarude @mrs_gerdes mail me one 😉 1 like
greatlakes_fieldcraft @laruetactical careful with that #dillos tag....one letter away from getting into a whole new demographic...well not new, but different 🤨.... 1 like
divingdriver Dillos for ever !!
ahaley1775 Got all of them; aside from the elusive '07.
  -  laruetactical @ahaley1775 Interdasting, your lucky day, let me rummage around - email me Mark@LaRue.com 3 likes
  -  ahaley1775 @laruetactical Thank you very much kind sir. I don't care what some folks say about you, you're a hell of a nice guy. Not just for this, but for all that you do behind the scenes that most aren't aware of.
  -  redoak.sooner Good on ya! I found one for my collection just a few months back. Stoked!
  -  kameronallison @ahaley1775 you just hit the jackpot
barnegat16 Do a Florida dillo for hurricane support. Gotta keep collection going.
jf_shooter Awesome!! You guys should do a Jack-O-Dillo!! 🎃👻
djk91lx Love these. Love the one I have and gave one to a buddy who has wore it out as a bottle opener. Lol. Think he enjoys it? 🤣🤣 🍻🍻 Look forward to another one this year
black_wolf_supply Buying a few for gifts 👍
jakecalder2 Got one as a gift from a long time customer but I lost it! Any way I could get a replacement?
  -  ahaley1775 @jakecalder2 I have some spare '17's. I can send you one if you'd like.
  -  hkhombre @ahaley1775 Got one for me? I got beer money. I'm a college kid so I missed my chance in junior high!
  -  ahaley1775 @hkhombre The only spares I have now are '17's and '18's. Traded all my other spares off last year to fill in what I was missing.
ttyner1212 Still need to find an 07 and 08 to complete my collection.
mckeonekert Great stocking stuffer!
j_zimz Want!