... Not sure why this 260 throws 'em all in one hole 😎 ML
512 likesjesslarude Casual kitchen counter decor 3 likes
bklingensmith61 I wonder!
bronzeback_outfitters 🔥🔥🔥🔥
_voodoo_6 Impressive. Im too lazy to scroll but what ammo do you use for those tests? Obviously caliber dependent etc? 1 like
a.amantine #boltgang
jessehatfield1013 Hmmm...I wonder...😉 2 likes
sp.arks991 Man… that is a good looking rifle 🔥
458lottfan Because you and your team built it. I am looking forward to receiving mine when it is ready.
g.m.wesley Please sell me a barreled action already 🙄 1 like
sea_shrimpz All the factors are perfect.
csolstice032018 I'm calling dibs on that barrel!
icecoldmn The question is would it do it just as well with a shorter barrel like the 308? My 260 tobr and tranquillo put them in the same hole just as they did on your test target. Love the 260 so much not sure I'll ever fire the creedmore coming with it😂
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... Due to burn rate, shorter barrels tend to increase Extreme Spread. But then a shorter barrel changes the shockwave for better ir furcwirse, but a stiffer barrel might cancel out the random burn rate. If you can make sense out of this post, you'll probably be on paper. 3 likes
  -  spaghetti_cheekz @laruetactical learned that when loading for 300 blk. The 8.3" barrel really did well with the much faster powders. 1 like
duckhnt Probably because it's made at @laruetactical... My rifles from this place tend to like one big hole too.