... Okay then, let's be extra careful crawling in and out of deer and duck blinds this fall 🕷🕸🕷😳 ML
723 likesstr8sh00ter79_ Does anyone else notice the hypocrisy and irony in this headline? Baldwin, one of the producers of this movie, is very outspoken about helping the less fortunate, he has advocated for the progressive movement fervently....but now that a crew member, of his movie, gets bit by a spider on set, is in very bad condition and needs a go fund me page to help with the expenses of this job related injury! These Hollywood elitists are scum, hypocrites of the highest magnitude. They don't want to help anyone, they want you and I, the average citizen, to pay for their agendas. Alec is a dirtbag, always been one, he just keeps getting worse with age. 12 likes
  -  laruetactical @str8sh00ter79_ ... So, uh, right ... make sure your blinds are spider-free ✅ 6 likes
  -  str8sh00ter79_ @laruetactical haha, sorry for the rant, this struck a nerve...but yeah, check for spiders or you'll need a hospital and a go fund me page 😂
  -  chip.off.the.block @str8sh00ter79_ my initial thoughts as well lol
  -  jholcomb383 @str8sh00ter79_ he should just be happy Alec didn't shoot him too 1 like
gmarchbanks I think this is a sign to shut down this production 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @gmarchbanks .. Oh stop, Hollywood knows there's big money to be made from the movie that Baldwin gunned down two people on the movie's set. 2 likes
  -  gmarchbanks @laruetactical true that!!
knifecursed Did someone put a voodoo curse on that movie or what? 💀💀💀 14 likes
  -  voodoosurvivor @knifecursed Definitely not.
sauslund Also I feel like this movie just shouldn't get made at this point? 16 likes
  -  laruetactical @sauslund ... Who cares. Movies and their making are of no importance. 48 likes
  -  chonkyboiz.inc @laruetactical Hollywood rots in the sun 1 like
  -  zachary_stein @sauslund hell no keep sending more of Hollywood to be in it. 2 likes
  -  tacticalfellowship @laruetactical complete bullseye, of literally zero importance to men like us...
  -  breezyclipper @laruetactical whoa! easy there, Hoss! It was all them John Wayne movies that I began watching at age 4 in 1959 that led me to my love of guns, a successful law enforcement career, and lifelong support of 2A and my own responsible gun ownership. I will always love the right kind of movies.us 👍us 🎬🎞🎬
  -  laruetactical @breezyclipperv ... Book burners got to the feel-good movies.
458_socalm Happened to my coworker, he got all f'd up but lucky and didn't lose anything. 1 like
surfinnh im here to tell you that shit aint no joke.. i got bit in 04 Blood infection that littel fucker almost ended me and i never even felt it bite me 6 likes
  -  mercer_concept What was your earliest indication that you needed help, asap? 2 likes
clevercrowfab Did Alec pull a Rip and throw it on him? 3 likes
  -  _dean_moriarty_ @clevercrowfab 😂😂😂
night_rider_11b Did someone hand Alec a damned spider now??? 7 likes
walkercustoms1911 Should have shot that spider 😅 3 likes
billsnearly They got any guest spots for politicians? 🤔 2 likes
profileungnome Same spider licking ppl at astro concert 2 likes
netaudiowf Maybe they thought it was a prop spider 4 likes
the_sultan_of_sausage Ground blinds are spider farms. Change my mind. 1 like
stevieb117 Spider or 45 long colt ? 1 like
middlefingernation He must've known something about Hillary 1 like
aimless223 Only good thing about NY is the lack of venomous spiders and snakes 1 like
  -  loganmk330 @aimless223 you forgot about the people that run the place... 5 likes
  -  kempleofdoom @aimless223 y'all got venomous people instead 4 likes
  -  titan_rook @aimless223 There are three venomous snakes native to New York: Eastern Massasauga, Timber Rattlesnake, and Northern Copperhead. As well, the Black Widow and Brown Recluse can be found occasionally in NY, even though they're not a native dangerous species like the Yellow Sac Spider.
  -  realmda13 @aimless223 What about lawyers? 😂 nice to see you penguin!
  -  aimless223 @titan_rook as if I didn't have enough to worry about! 1 like
  -  titan_rook @aimless223 😂 I only knew for sure because I've studied some wilderness medicine. I've worked EMS at a couple state parks in New York and my family used to go camping a couple times every year. I still had to look up which snakes were native to NY, I didn't remember them.
sumlinclint That movie is cursed
paradigm_shift_company Karma?
jd_flynnxx This show is doomed 😂
nm156v2 RIP Jeff Hanneman
britosalejandro_ This movie is cursed
n_e_a_l_z_u_m_b_r_o Most of the time people claim it's a spider but it's actually a staph infection.
eric__houston Eight legged freaks
509hanson I want that movie to be a thing but damn the universe is against it.
bruceshibley Probably put on set by a Trump supporter... 😂
bluecollargreenthumb Maybe there is no spider bite and it's a ruse to get Dummies to donate to recoup money lost due to the man slaughter committed by Baldwin
tom.loper.52 So baldwin will use his staff, exploit for gain his staff but he won't do a damn thing to help any of them ,in spite of his great wealth.
dirtyharry6584 Jus went thru this. Didn't even come close to losing an arm. Steroids and antibiotics for the win. Can't even tell where I got bit
kiloecho1776 Get that man into a tub of salt water
breedlove.ben I'm actually surprised they didn't end filming altogether on this
zakkus_araylius I got bit on the ass by one when sleeping. Luckily they did not have to amputate my ass. 1 like