... "A Boy and His Dog" ... My hot tub is now just another of my sanctuaries gone to the dogs. And she asked for two shots of Patron ... I had to tell her it was 9-something in the morning. 🙄
807 likesstillsaltyaf_ 😂
meatsweatsmike You can't drink all day unless you start in the AM 2 likes
ls1gregg @laurla_jane 1 like
fyrfytrs.wife 🤣
mcgrubbs 0900 in human time. In dog time, it's well after lunch. 3 likes
joe.shelby88 They say dogs always look like their owners...hmm
  -  laruetactical @joe.shelby88 ... Hey, I resemble that remark.
so_lowlife Hair n jets no buano they burn 🔥 up quickly
  -  laruetactical @so_lowlife ... I read her your post and she looked me square in the eye and asked for the phone number to Social Service 3 likes
  -  so_lowlife @laruetactical if you've ever had to pull a dogs tail out of a the intake that got tangled underwear when the poor pups freaking out you'd understand 🤷😂 let's just say my uncles German wire hair pointers tail won't point straight anymore for this reason just saying, like a girl with long hair on a go cart 🤯
  -  weirdo_on_the_wall @so_lowlife I think ML can afford a new hot tub and he seems like the type who would buy the top of the line components to prevent damage to the pup. If the part doesn't exist I think he can have it manufactured. Dude flys a navion he's heard "we'll have to machine that custom" before 💯 1 like
abelcompanyarms Aww
shipdriver48 Well, you can't drink all day if you don't start early.
dire_armory Well iys 9:30 somewhere
jlheard3 If you truly loved her you'd give her Fortaleza.
  -  laruetactical @jlheard3 ... I've heard of Fort Hood ... 1 like
canemovium Which hot-tub-time-machine do you have?
  -  laruetactical @canemovium ... Maax 461 2 likes
jdiesel356 The best breed
goshiajerry If there's time to get in the tub, there's time for a cigar....