... From our HR Director ... "$2,000.00 got us 666 chances to win $2 billion." We're doing it again ... and if we hit the winning ticket, we're evenly dividing the pot with all LaRue employees. Expect delays if we hit it big 😎 ML
855 likesdef3va Not sure "666" is a lucky number of tickets, just saying. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @def3va ... That 6mmARC will separate Satan from his bifurcated tail 😎 1 like
guay.ron Well hopefully we both hit and can share that beast! You know I'll be spending a grip at your shop if I do🔥🔥🔥 1 like
evlgreg Good luck! If I hit it, expect a very large order. 2 likes
kevinmichael_67 Sounds like HR is skimming. 3 likes
  -  def3va @kevinmichael_67 $2 a ticket should be 1,000. Maybe HR is getting the multiplier option... 1 like
tsuhobbs Good luck!
mdrumscarter 🙌 honestly I'd love to see it happen for y'all
kylesmokedem2020 Best trigger I've ever spent money on! The price is unbeatable for the high quality! 4 likes
  -  mrtonypic @kylesmokedem2020 Agreed! 1 like
shamamilton 🤞
bill9mill ...for the love of Pete!!!!!! 😂
hardpark_86 21 million per person after tax if i did my math right.
fde_rob Free trigger give away?..😂
icecoldmn Not sure what HR is doing but they are 2.00 each here.
about.that.knife.life You hiring? 😂
datlof_ 308 uppers. Do it please 1 like
ranchermatt Good luck!
nathandyoung76 Good luck! Someone just won $39million in the lottery in my town the other day.
starcityshooter NOLO going to be kicking ass and taking names if you win it 👊🔥
realmda13 If I win, you're gonna have to buy a new HAAS, just to make products for me. 😂 1 like
stumpwso I'd better buy some more triggers now
iluvmykds9999 666🤷🤦
alaskan_lion Until the government takes like...3/4 of it
cuatropines If you hit it Big, can you possibly get my Siete shipped before go on your delay inducing fiesta?
zanderrhenley How to lose your entire staff
  -  laruetactical @zanderrhenley ... Let us pray 😎 4 likes
keyspeed09 Did you win anything off all those tickets?
hlblydlux If you win ill take over the day to day operation and keep up the good fight
captainvick76 Looks like one of the most Democratic State in the union won again. Unbelievable. First time ever Powerball was delayed. Hmmmm
holifieldlisuke Does this count for LaRue employees who are currently deployed?
  -  laruetactical @holifieldlisuke ... Yep, and do some free diving while you're down there 1 like
  -  holifieldlisuke @laruetactical to easy, if we when, I'm going awol and not looking back. Lol.
extremelongranger I'll take "how to waste $2,000.00" for $400, Alex. The thing that people need to realize about the lottery is that the government wins every.single.time someone buys a ticket. Buying a lottery ticket is giving even MORE power to the government. And your chances of winning are LESS than getting struck by lighting 7 timesz
  -  manning_motorsports @extremelongranger Can't get anything past you. 1 like
  -  icecoldmn @extremelongranger lighten up Frances, some hillbilly is going to win it could be anyone. And he'll yes I'd go out in a lightning storm for fun
barnaclebiggs @laruetactical Sorry Mark, if I win y'all are going to have to work overtime so I can get some larue sweetness.