... Wirehaired Pointing Griffon ...
928 likescharles_helm Great shot! 1 like
sailorripley55 Doggo's ready! 1 like
perez2021juan Great pic and weather is perfecto! 1 like
unopposable_thumbs Great dogs 1 like
casey.mccune Best dogs-been chasing birds this weekend with my 15 mo old pup 1 like
fertilizer650401 I read some articles about griffons, years ago. I have wanted one ever since. 1 like
mister_t_34 Griffs are an awesome breed. My griff is 5 1 like
leeengland His colors look similar to my German Shorthair Pointer.
freakinout We're rocking some antique barbed wire at the ranch
mckeonekert New pup?
hobbit0717 Please tell me you don't reuse barbed wire! My dad would and we would get a 1/2 mile out and pull it, it would hreak and come back right at us. Not fun at all.
harrystetser Looks like he found a roll of rusty barbed wire! Lol 1 like
  -  laruetactical @harrystetser .... In case raccoons are watching this IG, post, she says she identifies as "One Mean Bitch". 1 like