... Aluminum foil when you find yourself out of paper plates ;-) ML
919 likestehlonz i miss texas
georgewhitmeyer Nothing wrong with any of that.
jrthomasii Eating out of the pan is always an option. 1 like
joswizay Can't imagine actually washing a dish😄
jeffroschyk Improvise, Adapt, Overcome especially around deer season breakfast!
thirtythree_three I'm disappointed that there's been no EDM-ing of said aluminum foil.
stillsaltyaf_ Better than wearing it on my head😂😂 2 likes
prodog102 It helps with the 👽 mind control thing as well! #multitasking
casadenewman That is how I wrap gifts.
gmwhiteguy PM9 is my daily as well- wish that breakfast was my daily
psyk0diver And just don't want to do dishes
jewlsrtk Celebrating Biden's win I see 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @jewlsrtk ... At a dead run GFY. 5 likes
whitefang721 trying to get back into keto myself
rodstump Brilliant!!
cunningham_bw Damn that looks good
th3gun You guys got 2 stage triggers in stock? 1 like
  -  jesse.templeton @th3gun I hope so I just bought one last night.
_frontier_fitness_ Are 5.56 SureFire 3 prong flash hider/suppressor adapters in stock?
teck9mili Newspaper gives it better flavor 😊
jzach.gore Kahr has the worst customer service I've ever encountered.
  -  laruetactical @jzach.gore ... Not much to go wrong with either of it's two parts 🤷
jesslarude Uncle Mark, we can get you some real pates! You LaRue boys 🙄😂
mckeonekert You are serious about protecting what you are eating!
charles_helm Desperate times...but butcher paper is more traditional.
mergatroyd @laruetactical I shot a bull elk with one of your rifles today! 400 yards!
tedferguson7 Where's the BBQ from?