... Careful ! It's still hot ! ML
486 likestopshotdustin Verified 😍🔥
tacticshack I really enjoy watching the processes! keep the videos coming! 😎
armorer1911 Very nice 👍
jkirky24 Son of a bitch that's nice.
him72984 I'll still waiting. Just go ahead and put a note on that "Hector's rifle" thanks.
thirtythree_three Your post yesterday inspired me to build my own portable induction heater. You can expect some strongly-worded letters from my neighbors' all of whose mailbox stands look like they were made from bendy plastic.
  -  laruetactical @thirtythree_three ... My guys found that in our warehouse. They said I bought it years ago in an auction with a bunch of other stuff I was after. It looks like a Lista toolbox. I probably thought I had snuck away with a box full of QC tools ;-) ML
icecoldmn Electricity at work it is awesome🔥
  -  dd1tactical @laruetactical how does these #beautiful pieces of #engineering get their final black #finish? 🙌