... That time I flew my Navion to the southern tip of Texas to fetch a well-known gunwriter, and ended up logging 18 hours while giving him a whirlwind tour of Texas ... 😎 ML
226 likesgunsmithsid My uncle Denny used to land his Long EZ on the road in Monahans. When did they get an airport?
- laruetactical @gunsmithsid ... That was in early 2004 ...
guns2317 Love Navions, got to fly in one several times as a kid 30+ years ago. Great airplane and always popular at air shows. 🛫
- laruetactical @guns2317 ... Their one downside is people want to talk slowing you down while you refuel 😎 1 like
pylot2b I feel like a scmuck I stopped updating my Logbook 2 years ago.. Think I was 8500hrs a few years ago. I would honestly rather get back to flying vs the doing this for a living! Just dumb day doing stalls maybe throw in some turns around a point!
jesslarude That handwriting is genetic 2 likes
radiac_svcs I see you got to take Whit Engle up as well! He and Karen are really great people. 1 like
- laruetactical @radiac_svcs ... Yes they are 💕... and Spec-Ops was in a marvelously converted hangar in Monahans, Texas.