... I got this knife in 1977, when I worked at Bruner's Shooter's Supply in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. My mentor Rocky McWilliams recommended I get one before they were all gone. And his advise and enough other good advise to fill the Big Tennessee River is why I owe Rocky a whole heap of thanks. We are still best of friends to this day. The knife is a Puma 🔪 ML
581 likesjdg0707 and a Mohawk
aye_its_gunney Great knives
garry_mcpeak Rocky is a Great guy and a wealth of knowledge. 2 likes
- laruetactical @garry_mcpeak ... And then some 💪 1 like
travismcnerlin Nice mohawk, love those rifles.
- laruetactical @travismcnerlin ... Mohawk 600 in 6mm Rem. 3 likes
- travismcnerlin @laruetactical Killer caliber too. I've got a 700 BDL varmint special in 6mm Remington. Been in the family since the late 80s. Its killed more shit than cancer. 1 like
- old_man_strong @laruetactical have one in .243, great little rifle. Getting hard to find in 6mm
- laruetactical @old_man_strong ... When I was a kid, I noted the 6mm had a wee bit of an edge over the 243, plus the throngs were all buying 243s. So I was a 6mm guy, and a 6.5-270 guy (because that was Warren Page's favorite) 4 likes
- v travismcnerlin @laruetactical as I recall from what the old man told me when I was a kid, the 243 beat the 6mm to the market in the 50s. The 6mm was originally the .244, with a faster twist than the 243, so the 243 could shoot heavier bullets. IIRC, they changed the stamping from .244 Rem to 6mm Rem, about the same time as they slowed the twist rate, but by then the damage was done and the 243 had most of the market share. FWIW, the 2r3 is based on the 308, while the 6mm is based on the 257 Roberts (another favorite of mine) which was derived from the 7mm Mauser.
dmcwilliam.762 Is that a fixed blade and a folder?
delta_bravo151 I found one of these knives in the woods of Pennsylvania while deer hunting in the 90's. Ran the serial number on their website and found out it was made in the second quarter of 1968. Cool knife that someone I'm sure is missing.
- laruetactical @delta_bravo151 ... I lost a knife in the woods that I had just used to stab my first buck to death with. It was a Puuko (?) Sheath Knife, lost in Scott County, Tn in the mid-70s. 1 like
frankie.waddell My father just past down to me a Puma white hunter from 1974. Amazing quality in these old German knives
secondstoryguy Old school Rem 600 for the win!
800mzero Beautiful Mohawk
eadie.steve Classic!
laruetactical ... Nobody noticed the scope rings 🙄 7 likes
- travismcnerlin @laruetactical bein' empty? 😂
farley_shawz I have a 660 in .308 and absolutely love it
charles_helm Puma made good stuff...classic knives.
mumzergadol That dogleg bolt is Remington classic 🔥