... And you may consider this your 2nd warning. While y'all are all at the lake, pinging us repeatedly as to why we didn't put your order at the absolute front of the line, we won't be fishing, we'll be here making your stuff. These gun rushes put a strain on our system and wear us out, so look for a slight price increase to cover our fishing guide cancellation fees. ML
1,267 likeslee_bargeron Like me, most of you have more than one toy. Waiting for parts is what it is: 2 weeks, 2 months, whatever. Patience Grasshopper. @laruetactical raise your prices. You're still gonna be competitive with pre-crack head pricing! Keep up the good work!!
trav_x Worth it tho
briarbfirearms What's the current turnaround on lowers? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @briarbfirearms .... By the time I type and post it, it won't be "current" anymore. 🐎 4 likes
  -  kinetic_defense_tx @briarbfirearms I ordered a upper kit. A week later I ordered a lower. There was difference of over 3000 in my order numbers. Hard to keep up with lead times with that kind of volume. I already got my lower though. Took bout 4 days to get my lower for what its worth 1 like
  -  briarbfirearms @kinetic_defense_tx how long ago was that?
r__l__t__w .....you better start deciding on that Christmas Dillo color....
rbrooks954 👍👍
the_other_marley_marl Noted, I still think I'm ahead with all the extras that find there way in my boxes! Battle mixer, dillo, bbq seasoning and stickers lots of stickers. Good bless you Mark!
arizona_twelve_sixtysix I bought my UU 6.5 Grendel and LT-15 lower in 2017. I've stocked up, bought ammo, bought and sold stuff since. Knowing well what will happen next elections. If people decided to crawl out under a rock just now well it's on them. I have what I need and pretty much just getting a few stuff that isn't high demand. Looking a SF suppressor.
spoonmann8 You're in business to turn a profit. I understand, I don't necessarily like it, but I understand
mkehoey Please keep doing what you're doing! Best parts out there! Thank you!
bigrobeg Guess I need to order some more triggers tomorrow 😂 1 like
b00sted1 Well worth the increase.
jd_harv3y Got the hint and ordered. Thanks for all that you do
adamethridge Right on
tefton1 Works for HK.😂😂😢😢
advancedshootinganalytics Just sell them at a loss ML and @laruetactical ... eventually you'll make it up in volume!
  -  laruetactical @advancedshootinganalytics ... "Sir, the more you buy, the cheaper they are.". ... "In that case, keep loading until they are free." 😂 4 likes
  -  fishingm90 @laruetactical in all seriousness, why don't you charge a 10-20% nonrefundable deposit on all UU kits? Seems like a bunch of free cash flow and probably cuts cancellations in half...
  -  laruetactical @fishingm90 ... Cause that gives the Karens a reason to call 3 times a day. 4 likes
tap_rack_bang Mark, I know I'm not alone when I say that I love your transparency.
fdeisthenewblack Honestly I was shocked that the RISR I bought from you was so cheap. Nobody wants to see the price of their favorite product go up, obviously, but a slight increase to cover increased cost on your end is totally reasonable
user992774910r8 Glad I ordered my UUs back in July, second one shipped yesterday! Now, if I could just find the funds for a large frame UU...
patrick.bartholow Justified us 🔨us
c.gray027 @laruetactical My order got here a day earlier than projected - no complaints! Even if it hadn't, anyone who's waited this long has done their own selves in. Can't blame the company for your failure to act.
eadie.steve Make hay while the sun shines! Or the Dems threaten!
lakipolitis I'll trade a weekend on my boat in the Florida Keys for you and 3 team members for normal prices! 😉😉😎🐟🎣
unhinged.srt Anything from Mark is worth the wait. I don't carry anything else. 1 like
him72984 I thought the prices actually dropped a bit this year for the uuks.
gabecigarpointe Capitalism 👍👍👍 2 likes
travismcnerlin I have yet to own a Larue product that has disappointed me. The pride and craftsmanship that goes into all of it is apparent. Someone wants to complain that an SPR/M4 mount is $240, or an UU kit is $900? Let 'em, because they most likely weren't going to buy the mount for 210 or the UU kit for 800 anyhow. 2 likes
vine_matt Worth the $$ and the wait. I would never use another mount. 1 like
barnegat16 I waited a bit for my acog mount. Turns out it's the bees knees. Rock solid past 300m :) 1 like
bourbon_bastard Well worth the money. I hope to obtain one before Harris bans all firearm ownership in this country.
brasscased us
vicktorvolpe Your mbt is worth 150% (or more) than what you currently charge. Never forget that quality products don't cost more....they're worth more and pay for themselves.
Seriously the only ar trigger I have found better in the "2 stage 4.5 lbs" category are my Krieger millazo triggers from the late 90's when Charlie was doing them. And that lead time was months and months.
trampis Worth the long wait (was told 6 most for my UU) and worth EVERY PENNY! Thanks @laruetactical for not compromising and treating your workers fairly.
cdean964 Just ordered my mbt-2s 🤙 1 like
slayeroftacos Does that also include armadillos, look forward to mine every year at Christmas! 1 like
ghostofwalker I get it.
soaw76 Absolutely fair.
frisco_rps13 Did I wait 6months for a rail? yes. Was it worth the wait because I'm not a fuck who doesn't understand manufacturing lead times and economics? Also, yes. Do what you gotta do man! The loyal will still be here buying your fine product lines 1 like
  -  bahn112 @frisco_rps13 6 months? Damn it... i'm at month 3 and the rail I ordered is the only thing holding up one of my builds.
  -  frisco_rps13 @bahn112 I don't remember exact time frame. I ordered in like early April and got it end of September or beginning of October 1 like
  -  bahn112 @frisco_rps13 👍 Yeah, i've gotten lucky or just ordered at the right time in the past. I ordered a UU kit (Large Frame) earlier this year and it arrived in 4 business days which was crazy fast. 1 like
  -  frisco_rps13 @bahn112 that rail was the only order I've ever placed with LaRue that took a while. 90% of the time it gets across the country in about a week. 1 like
  -  bahn112 @frisco_rps13 thats been my experience as well. Currently waiting on the rail, a bipod mount, trigger and some index clips though I suspect it's the rail thats holding it up. 1 like
  -  frisco_rps13 @bahn112 good luck man. As you know, LaRue is worth the wait. Spend your downtime buying ammo while we still can lol 1 like
joeythec02 You gotta do what you gotta do ML
mister4621 Fuck yeah, tell em. 🤠
candrews01 @laruetactical take your time no hurry at all 1 like
thatthinbluelinetho Saving for a new patrol rifle from you guys, I'll gladly pay a little more if people are being turds 1 like
whitefang721 Mark last night I ordered a barrel and upper and plan on ordering a lower and more parts this coming week. I'm listening. 1 like
alpha_phil15 Do it! You have enough permanent sales and discounted items, that you have room for a slight increase. Because we know if things start to slow up for whatever reason....Larue will be coming out with new products and dropping prices. 2 likes
fullspectrumperformance Bought my first item from you guys WAAAYYY back in 2008; can't remember what it was, but you sent me a sweet hat and a bottle opener with my order. I won't forget that, and I'll continue to buy LaRue products for my builds. 2 likes
obsidian_training_group I'm good with it as long as you don't pull a @cheaperthandirt . 4 likes
  -  the.firearmacy @obsidian_training_group $99 PMAGs are so hot though 2 likes
  -  seaskihunt @the.firearmacy I've got a few to sell at half that.... 1 like
jsmith_409 You're already too cheap, makes me wonder sometimes😜 1 like
majesticmango_ Your triggers are so good you could easily sell them at $150 and still call it a value compared to other brands. 3 likes
  -  chumbief Shut up! 5 likes
  -  willsmashu I will chop your thumbs off. Don't give him any ideas.
tallen805 I will patiently wait. The best,,,,takes a little time.. 1 like
stevenmcclay6921 Order in! 1 like
  -  stevenmcclay6921 @stevenmcclay6921 Another 6.5 Grendel.
itswemdog I got my OBR 762 from the last one circa 2013.... still shootin sub minute all day 3 likes
jepeway One instance where dealing with government contracts are easier than dealing with the public. 5 likes
c.w.marshall Still worth every penny. 3 likes
bachquist Got to pay your people, prices on everything else in life have increased. 3 likes
mrs_gerdes us 1 like
high5ive187 Make that bread homie!🙌 1 like
murdock_mcinnis Yeah I had to wait a couple months, but I'd do it 100 times over! Best rifle I've ever owned! Worth every penny 1 like
zachattack4111 Atleast you're honest. I respect that. 1 like
longshoreman24 💯