... Here's today's unexpected cost increase, and my front office just called me onto the carpet about it. Makes sense though that those peaceful protests conducted by the Free Sh*t Army would have a hidden cost to us unprotesters. ML
468 likesjohnbquest When you realize, as a productive member of society that society is no longer in favor of production. 13 likes
revere95 That's the result of letting those scumbags at will destroy your country! All will pay and they will not stop! It's war in the U.S.A! 👊us
ajamzcammz smh
the_og_brad What and the fuck 🤦😵 1 like
acw777us It's not going to get any better from here. Don't forget to tac on the Alien invasion and Godzilla supplemental insurance. Can never be to prepared. 1 like
dude_of_the_desert Don't worry, Mark. We'll keep you from going bankrupt. I just ordered an upper yesterday, so that should keep your lights on for at least 5 more minutes. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @dude_of_the_desert ... LOL, you're right, my electric bill is roughly $30,000 month. 5 likes
  -  sams_foodnfish @laruetactical that literally nauseated me. 1 like
texagonian_towers @laruetactical you do manufacture firearms and are quite the genius. Invent a new anti protest perimeter defense system.
  -  elravizza @texagonian_towers Is you anti protest defense and sign that says 'Safe Space'?
  -  texagonian_towers @elravizza hell no. We need mini guns around the whole perimeter. Fuck protesters and BLM!
  -  alaskanmarksman @texagonian_towers our government has one, when it's on a ship, it's called a CIWS. On land it's called a C-RAM. 😎
  -  texagonian_towers @alaskanmarksman I need two
elravizza I'm not an insurance adjuster, but I wouldn't raise your rates. You make guns for God sake's. Seems like a pretty stupid business to break into.... Someone broke in so we shot him with one of the 30,000 ARs we have on hand.
nicodywill Ah yes. The famous 2020 Leander, Texas riots, hurricanes, and forest fires. 😂 3 likes
  -  thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow @nicodywill now now... there was nearly a riot when they proposed that 5,000 unit apartment community on Ronald Reagan Blvd between FM 2243 and Hwy 29
  -  laruetactical @thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow ... When was that ? 1 like
  -  thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow @laruetactical https://communityimpact.com/austin/cedar-park-leander/government/2020/08/20/leander-denies-district-2243-zoning-request/
  -  thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow @laruetactical ...the developer "scaled back" the development to 2,950 apartments to try and appease the city council....
secondstoryguy Well property taxes are gonna go up in austin like 20% so that's not a surprise.
obsidian_training_group Gotta watch out for those CenTex hurricanes. 😂
kmfit49 They know how to take advantage of a situation whether it's truly warranted or not. The worst time to have insurance is when you actually have to file a claim with your insurance company.
  -  laruetactical @kmfit49 ... Insurance is a pool ... and we all have to blunt California's Riot & Fire losses 🤷 1 like
  -  murphy.mike Meanwhile CA over here covering windstorm and flood ;)
  -  laruetactical @murphy.mike ... It's a beer mathable percentage thing. 2 likes
billsnearly Gotta keep the libtards out of TX! They have flocked to AZ from CA and perverted our State. And they are migrating east, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. You are building a wall on the wrong border! 1 like
  -  whitefang721 @billsnearly Demographic replacement lmao
welds.4.money Hey mark ive ordered 3 triggers from you and I went to order another one and you returned my money saying I'm in a regulated area? @laruetactical
  -  laruetactical @kyle5.56 ... Weird
travnol Thank you guys for kind service and help over the phone. Waiting patiently and appreciate everything. Brad was a great. 1 like
thecodystone It's a damn shame and it's another mark on the chalk board for the working man providing for the freeloading POS democraps.
salerno1263 They are going to get really expensive if we have to start shooting their dumb asses with this expensive Ammunition 😂🤣us